Chapter 39- Kim's Caught On

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**Demi's POV**
I wake up and Khloé is just sitting on her phone.
Kh-"Hey sweetie, how are you?"
D-"I'm good, you?"
Kh-"I'm good, lets go downstairs." We walk down and everyone's either standing in the kitchen or sitting at the breakfast bar.

I make eye contact with Kim and it's the most awkward thing ever. Kim just eyes me up then says.
Ki-"We've made a big breakfast, we're just finishing up we're about to take it over to the table."

Fuck my life. I can just purge, right? Yeah. And I can just put a bit on my plate. Shit. Never mind she has already made up our plates with food.

We sit down, I'm next to Khloé then Kim comes in and sits next to me. Kill me now. She's carefully inspecting my every move. The plate consists of an egg, beans and a big, greasy bacon roll. Bacon is something I always try to avoid, because I always find it more sore to throw it up after. And it's extremely fattening. We're all talking and I finish my beans, a bit of my egg and then my shaking hands pick up the bacon roll. I reluctantly take a small bite, and chew for a long time until I feel the burning sensation of the fat going down my throat. I repeat this until I'm half way done with my bacon and but it down.
Ki-"Is that really all your going to eat Dem?"
D-"Yeah, it was so good."
Ki-"Why are you not gonna eat more then?"
D-"I'm not that hungry.."
Kr-"What the hell? Kim lay off her a bit." I feel all the fat settling inside my stomach, I need to get this out of myself.
D-"I'm just gonna go to the bathroom be right back."

I run upstairs and shut the bathroom door. I shove 2 of my fingers in my mouth, and start gagging, but nothing comes up. I keep on doing the same thing until the content of my stomach is emptied into the toilet. I wash my hands and mouth, the brush my teeth.

**Kim's POV**
Demi goes to the bathroom, and if my suspicions are right she could be purging. Fuck. I need to think of a reason to get away.
Ki-"I'll be right back, I'm gonna quickly shower. I want to go to Starbucks for a coffee after, we could all go?" I walk upstairs and hear faint sobs, and gagging.

I knew it. I'm gonna leave it for now, but I'll bring it up later. I go and shower then head back down after.

**Demi's POV**
Me and Khloé go to her room to get ready.
Kh-"Why is my sister being so weird with you?"
D-"What do you mean, no she's not."
Kh-"Yeah she is. And I woke up last night and you weren't in bed, where were you? Dem please don't try and lie."
D-"Fine, I read an article about my performance, and I was a bit sad about it and Kim randomly walked in asking if we were awake because she was bored. She saw me, took me out of the room, read the article then-"
Kh-"What was the article?"
D-"It was- uhh a bit more like a thread with a bouncy of people commenting on it."
Kh-"Can I see it?" I've given up trying to hide everything from Khloé, well.. She has no idea about my self harm and eating disorder.. I show her the article. She tends to get very overprotective.
Kh-"I- who the fuck did this! Why try and make a skinny bitch insecure! Your so bloody skinny and your thighs are so slim!"
D-"Anyway, Kim went on to accuse me of having an eating disorder because I was sad because of that thread."
Kh-"I'm gonna kill Kim! I get told I'm fat and I get upset because of it, that doesn't mean I have an eating disorder and the same applies for you! And if you did she wouldn't be helping the situation!"
D-"Khlo-Khlo it's okay, it's not a big deal. It was just really uncomfortable having her stare at me the whole time I ate breakfast."

**Khloé's POV**
I've suspected Dem has an eating disorder for a while now, but why the fuck would Kim accuse her of having one while she's already feeling insecure about that thread! It would just make her feel worse! I go off to find Kim and talk to her.
Kh-"Kim what the fuck!"
Kh-"Why would you accuse Demi of having an eating disorder while she's already feeling insecure because of that article! Jesus Kim, you couldn't of waited to ask her about it maybe when she isn't crying because people are calling her fat?!"
Ki-"Ok maybe it wasn't great timing, but I've caught her out on it. She does."
Kh-"How do you know?"
Ki-"When I went up to shower I heard gagging and sobbing! Maybe I said it at the wrong time, but I was right! She needs help!"
Kh-"Kim shhhhh! Jeez your screaming."

We decide to leave the house so nobody hears us. We grab our stuff and I quickly tell Demi I'm going out. We head to Starbucks to discuss what to do.

**Demi's POV**
This is my last day before the live shows. Khloé went out with Kim, and Niall's at rehearsals so I don't know what to do. Niall's rehearsals end in like an hour so I might do something with him after.

I decide to go downstairs, and I see Kris.
Kr-"Hey sweetie, how are you?"

Me and Kris just keep on talking, she's in the kitchen and I just sit on a stool at the breakfast bar.
Kr-"Where are Kim and Khloé?"
D-"They went to Starbucks, they were acting weird, they like ran out of the house."
Kr-"That's weird, do you have any plans today?"
D-"I mean not really, Me and Niall might do something in like an hour, he's in rehearsals."
Kr-"Hows Niall?"
D-"He's good, he's been quite busy recently."
Kr-"You guys aren't dating yet right?"
D-"Krisss, no and we're not going to."
Kr-"Why not? Your so into each other!"
D-"He doesn't like me in that way."
Kr-"I can tell, trust me he does. Do you want to invite him over?"
D-"Yeah if that's okay."
Kr-"Only with a few rules, it will just be the 2 of you, so please no funny business! We don't want mini Demi and Niall's running around the house!"
D-"No need to worry, that will NEVER happen! We're only 15 and 16!" I head upstairs and text Niall, he'll he here in like an hour. I get ready then hear the doorbell.

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