Chapter 30- What a Bitch

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**Demi's POV**
The doorbell goes and Khloé goes to get it. We all go to the door when I see Niall and he gives me a massive hug, I've missed his Horan hugs.

After a while we let go and start gossiping about everything going on in our lives.
D-"I was forced into a photo shoot,"
N-"No way! Did you actually do it! What for?"
D-"Kim's SKIMS collection, it was possibly the most embarrassing things I've ever done."
N-"Does that mean you're up of the website?"
D-"I mean, probably." He pulls out his phone,
D-"I mean.. no! Umm.. you shouldn't waste your time looking."
N-"Demi! This is, wow! Who knew you would have the guts to do a sexy shoot! You look great, good job!" I blush slightly.
D-"Thanks Ni, honestly Khloé and Kim really helped me, I was so close to not doing it, but they pushed me to do it." He hugs me,
N-"I'm so glad you're starting to gain some confidence, and hopefully starting to see how amazing you are."
D-"Nialllll-"I playfully push him look down while blushing.
N-"No Dem, I'm serious you're beautiful."
D-"Coming from you! Have you seen all your fans! I swear you get no hate."
N-"Do you?"
D-"I-I mean.. Only-y a little." I look down.

I can't fucking cry in front of Niall. Suck it up Lovato. Niall pulls me into a hug and whispers in my ear,
N-"Hey, don't listen to them. You are the most beautiful and nice person I know. Whenever you are sent anything that affects you, please send me the account so I can 'an-NIALL-ate' (annihilate) them. See what I did there?" I can't help but laugh.
D-"You really brighten up every bad moment haha. Honestly, thank you so much Niall it means so much."
N-"And seriously, call me whenever. I don't care if it's in the middle of the night, or very early in the morning, please just get in touch." I smile at him and try to hold back my rosy cheeks, but fail badly.

We all get into a group conversation, which eventually breaks up into smaller groups. Me, Khloé, Kim, Niall and Louis are all talking when Kylie try's to join our conversation. Khloé doesn't like to admit it, but she doesn't get along with Kylie at all. Kylie sits right next to Niall, and keeps on trying to get his attention. I feel really awkward, and Khloé notices, and whispers to Kim and points at me.

They're both laughing. Niall turns his head from Kylie to me and we start talking. She keeps on bugging Niall and Niall is just ignoring her because she's being so rude.

Ky-"Pay attention to ME, not that fat bitch." Niall's head quickly spun around, he was angry.
N-"What the fuck did you just call her! You fucking asshole! People like you, it's people like YOU that make her insecure!" Shittt what if he gives something away, wait, he doesn't know anything, right? Surely he hasn't caught on.
D-"Niall stop." I say in a really small voice.

I don't want him to give anything away. But no, he continues his rant.
N-"Does it make you feel good making people feel shit about themselves? For all you know Demi could have anorexia and you just called her fat!" Shit shit shit shit shit shit. Has he caught on. No, he said 'if'. I shot a worried look at everyone.
Ky-"It's obvious she's not though, you can tell. She's no where near skinny enough to be anorexic! She's just an ugly attention seeking whore!" I look down avoiding eye contact with anyone.

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