Chapter 14-You're my Idol

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**Demi's POV**
From all the tears blurring up my vision, I can't tell precisely who it is but she looks disturbingly familiar... OMG

I look over to see Britney silently crying and I see someone out of the corner of my eye turning to leave after watching this all unfold, I will look into that later but all I care about is the love and support I am receiving from these people. I engulf them both in the biggest hug and for the first time in forever feel at peace.
-Chapter 14 when Demi admits Tanya was her bully.
*Flashback Over*

And familiar for another reason.. She is my frickin idol. She can't see me like this. There's no way for her not to see me. I'm in a fucking ball on her floor against the door balling my eyes out. I wipe my tears to see her sitting on a sofa looking at me, on the TV is the X factor stage.. Shit she saw all of that.
She rushes over to me.

**Kelly's POV**
We watch her run into a room, but I know who is in that room, Demi's absolute idol. Somebody she looks up to so much. Honestly, I don't know how it's gonna go, but I know Kelly Clarkson is a wonderful person.

**Kelly C's POV**
Today I'm here at the X Factor for a reason everyone will find out soon. I can't wait to meet Demi! She's always talking about me and she idolises me, she's such a sweetie and I can't wait to get to know her and the others.

I'm just sitting in a dressing room, with the TV showing everything on stage and the judges panel. Then this girl comes on, and I could tell Demi was slightly on edge. She starts insulting Demi and obviously was a big part of her life in an awful way starts calling her fat, ugly and other awful names, Demi runs off stage.

I went off to go find them when I found them and Demi was telling Britney everything. I felt awful staying to listen, but I needed to know what happened to this poor broken girl. I felt her eyes were about to meet mine so I quickly turn my head and walk out. I hope she doesn't question it.

The things she was telling Britney and Kelly made me so angry this amazing girl had to go through. It made me want to protect her. But seriously a suicide petition is just too far. My thoughts are interrupted by Demi, Britney and Kelly walking back onstage. A piece of paper is thrown at her. And Tanya says stuff a lot like what I heard Demi telling Britney about backstage. That's when I realised.
It was the suicide petition.

Demi runs for it and I continue staring at the TV and I hear Simon speaking up telling her how awful she should feel then he chases her too. I watch security take Tanya off stage, then I hear my door open and close and the heartbreaking sound of Demi's tears flood the room.

Demi lifts her head to see me, walking towards her and she starts shaking and I engulf her in a massive hug. I lead her over to the sofa and she wouldn't look up.

(A/N-Since there are 2 Kelly's, for speech Kelly Rowland is just KR- and Kelly Clarkson will be KC- sorry for the confusion)
KC-"Sweetie look at me." And I use my finger to gently lift her chin up and I can see into her broken eyes.
KC-"Don't apologies, it's okay, I'm really sorry but I- ummm possibly overheard the conversation you had with Kelly and Britney. I'm sorry Dem,"
D-"It's ok, if you don't mind me asking, why are you here?"
KC-"Simon will tell you and the others later, I've heard a lot about you, I've seen a lot of your interviews talking about me," Demi goes slightly red "Aww sweetie not it's fine I just love the fact you look up to me. Maybe we should go out and find the others," I see Demi's facial expressions change and I grab her hand "It's okay I've seen how much these girls care about you, it will be okay. And I lead her out of the room.

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