Chapter 25- Love You Dally

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**Demi's POV**
Everyone left and we all made our own way home. I walk into the house and my little sister Maddie launches herself at me, engulfing me in a big hug.
M-"I missed you Dem-Dem"
D-"I've missed you too Mad hatter"
My parents walk in and say hi and I go up to my room.
I'm just messing around on my phone when I hear a knock on my door.
D-"Come in?" Dallas walks in
Da-"Hey Dem, I'm bored let's talk." She dives onto my bed making me giggle.
Da-"I've missed you recently you've been so busy, I miss us,"
D-"Dally I've missed our chats as well"
Da-"Do you like the other judges?"
D-"Yeah they're amazing I love them so much, well except for Simon he's so old." We both laugh.
Da-"Sooo.. Any boys?" She smirks.
D-"Well-uhhh. Nope."
D-"Dal! Chill it's just a slight crush he doesn't even like me back!"
Da-"Dem Niall obviously likes you,"
D-"Wait how do you know it's Niall?"
Da-"Have you not seen Harry and Louis' posts on insta?" She pulls out her phone and shows me a picture on Harry's Instagram of me and Niall snuggled up while watching the movie, I'm asleep and he's dozing off. Then she shows me a picture on Louis' Instagram of us when we fell asleep lying down on the sofa, his arm is around my waist pulling me close, I still don't know how we got into that position.
Da-"Yeah, he doesn't like you," she said sarcastically.
D-"Dallyyyy" I whined.

We continued talking until we were called down for dinner. It's fine I can purge later. As if on cue I get a text from Kelly R saying-
KR-Please Dem, u can get through this meal.

We go down and we all get in a conversation.
Di- Dianna E- Eddie
Di-"Demi I wanted to talk to you, so Dallas has got a acting coach job down in LA for a few weeks, and we know you have to be here for a few interviews and X Factor coaching, so we were wondering if you could possibly stay with a friend, maybe one of the other coaches?"
D-"That's so great Dallas! I'm so proud of you! Can I just stay in the house?"
Di-"Demi! Of course not!"
D-"I knew you were going to say that, I just don't want to burden anyone."
Di-"I'm sure you won't, do you mind dealing with it though?"
D-"Of course, I'll- uhh, go do that now."

I took my plate through, thank god, I just got to throw away the food. I head upstairs to my room and the girls wanted to do a Group FaceTime. I'm so thankful they wanted to do that because it would be so awkward to text them asking to stay at there house for a couple months. I can just slide the fact Dallas got an acting job into the conversation.
On the FaceTime-
D-"Hey girls!"
We were all talking for a while and I got the perfect chance it bring it up.
D-"Well Dallas just got a temporary job as an acting coach in LA, I'm so happy for her but she'll be gone for like 2 months!"
KR-"What are you going to do then? I mean I presume your mums going with Dallas. Where are you gonna stay because you can't leave you've got so much on."
D-"I have no idea."
KC-"You should stay with one of us! Awww I'm so sad I really wanted you to stay with me but I'm in and out of Cali for my talk show, I mean, you could stay with me, but it would be slightly inconvenient.."
Kh-"My house is open to you!"
KR-"I'm in and out of New York because I'm making a new Destiny's Child album.. I really wanted you to stay with me."
Kh-"Yessss, I claim you Demi!" Everyone starts laughing really hard.
D-"I mean, I'd love to stay with you Khloè but I don't want to be a burden on you and your family.."
Kh-"No honestly my family loves you! I'd love for you to stay with me!"
D-"Really? Then awesome! I'd love that thank you so much Khloè!"
Kh-"Then it's settled! When are you coming?"
D-"Does tomorrow suit you?"
KR-"I feel so left out here,"
KC-"SAME!" We all laugh and continued chatting for a while.

I'm so sorry, in the past 2 days of quarantine, I've watched 6 seasons so far of Keeping Up With the Kardashians, I'm so bored! So I thought I'd add the Kardashian family in for a while lmao. Thank you guys xx

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