Chapter 21- But I'm Fine

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**Demi's POV**
I've been doing so well with cutting and only occasionally cutting, like a few times a week, which is a major improvement compared to what I was doing before, I was cutting at least 5 times a day. I take the razor and in a rush slash my wrists multiple times. I get really dizzy and my hands are covered in blood, making my grip on the razor slip and surely enough, I hear the pinging noise of the razor hitting the cold ground.

Both Kelly's are screaming at the door and I hear metal being hit by some kind of plastic, that's when I realise they are trying to pick the lock with a bobby pin.

**Kelly R's POV**
I have an idea of what she's doing in there, and I am freaking out. I think I should tell the other Kelly because she doesn't know about Demi's cutting.
KR-"Umm.. There's something you should know about Demi.."
I hear the sound of natal hitting the ground and I immediately run to the door.
**Kelly C's POV**
We're pounding on the door and I think I have an idea about what Kelly was going to say. I can't even think about it. My baby girl, c-cutting. I take a bobby pin out of my hair and start jiggling it around the lock. I have pretty much given up all hope in this door opening, when the door creeks open and I race in to see a sight I would never wish upon anyone.

To see their babygirl curled in a ball, with blood all over herself, having a panic attack. I run over to her and place her on my lap with my hand on her heart.
KC-"Copy by breathing baby, focus on my breathing,"
When Demis calmed down and me and Kelly have comforted her, we all sit up and get ready to have a conversation about what just happened.

KR-"Baby, we need to do something about this.."
D-"B-but I don't have any problems"
KC-"Dems please can you just open up to us, we won't judge you,"
D-"It's just so hard, after my dad left it's left me with awful attachment issues and I can't really put my trust in anyone, thank you so much for actually caring," she let a tear slip her eye and we pulled her in for a hug.
KR- "You know what you're doing is unhealthy, right?"
KC-"How about after dinner we head back to mine and we can discuss this more in depth?"
KR-"Perfect, and Dems, we need to clean you up.."
D-"Sorry.." she looks down.
KR-"It's ok Demi, come here I'll clean your wrists up." She clans her wrists, but she still has blood all over her clothes.
KC-"I can give you my jumper, it will cover you up."
I take her and try to take her bloody top off but she holds it down while holding back tears.
KC-"It's okay sweetie, I won't judge you," and she lets my pull the top over her head and what I see it truly awful, her bones and practically sticking out of her stomach and lowed down on her hip bone she has cuts up both sides. She quickly moves her arms in front of her stomach. I put my jumper over her and she is literally drowning in it because it's so big. You can see her red lace halter neck bralette at the neck and the jumper goes to about just under mid thigh, luckily hiding the remaining blood stains on her black skinny jeans. Kelly R fixes her makeup, and Demi honestly looks great.

We gush over her because she looks so cute with her oversized jumper.
KC-"Dem, you ready?"
D-"Yeah" she says in a small voice.

I take her hand and we all walk back to the table. Everyone looks at us weird but they all continue with their conversations.

**Demi's POV**
N-"Hey, where have you been?"
D-"Uhh, me and the girls just went out for some air."
N-"Okay," and we just chatted until Simon spoke up telling us it was time to leave. I get in a car with both Kelly's and Britney, I guess she's coming with us.

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