Chapter 40- Is It a Date?

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**Demi's POV**
I race down the stairs and runs to the door and open it.
N-"Hey Dems." He gives me a hug.
D-"Hey Nialler how are you?"
N-"Good, rehearsals went well but you know Simon. He can get really annoying." We both laugh.
Kr-"Hey Niall,"
N-"Hello Mrs.Jenner."
Kr-"Niall, just call me Kris."

Me and Niall head upstairs and just chat.
D-"Do you want to go out and do something?"
N-"Yeah of course beautiful." He says in his Irish accent making my heart melt.
N-"We could go to the mall, look around and go see a movie or something? And go for dinner." I didn't like the sound of dinner, but this is like a mini date, so of course I will.
D-"That sounds great Ni, let's go."

He takes my hand and we walk down the stairs.
Kr-"Where are you guys going?"
D-"We're just going to the mall,"
Kr-"Okay see you later," she winks at me as Niall leads me out of the house.

The mall is only like 5 minutes away so we just walk.
N-"You look really nice today Dems,"
D-"Aww, thanks Ni. You don't look so bad yourself."

We make our way to the mall, without any paparazzi bothering us, that's until be make it to the mall. It's absolutely swarming with paparazzi. I hate it when they are around the just scream shit that makes you feel like absolute shit.
"Niall hows 1D?"
"Are you guys together?"
"How's the X Factor?"
"Demi why are you so ugly?"
"Demi are you gonna do anything about your massive weight gain?"

My breath hitched slightly and I just looked down trying to get inside the mall as quick as I could. But Niall just squeezes my hand harder and stops.
"Shut the fuck up and leave her alone, you guys just make people people feel shit about themselves for no fucking reason!" He walks off in a huff holding my hand and the paps are loving it.

There are gonna be so many articles.
D-"Ni you didn't need to stand up for my like that, they say that all the time,"
N-"Sorry it just pisses me off, like why the fuck do they feel they can say that to such a beautiful girl? And I know you were bothered by it, your breath hitched, you gripped my hand better and looked down."
D-"Thanks Ni," I give him a hug.
N-"Lets go into a few stores, but do you want to go get a Starbucks?" I mean I do really want legit anything with caffeine in it right now because I'm so tired, but how many calories!?
D-"I mean kinda but the paps will just get worse than they were outside because Starbucks will just make me fatter."
N-"Dem, seriously you're not fat. D have whatever you want, and don't fucking care what some pedos who spend their lives following us around." We go to Starbucks, and the thought of it just makes me want to throw up.

We walk up to the counter and Niall sees me grabbing a water, so quickly orders 2 coffees before I can get to the counter. I decide to just leave it so I put the water back.
D-"Nialler I didn't want that I just wanted a water,"
N-"Yes you did, your just letting the paps dictate what you can and can't have D." I decide to just shut up and go along with it.

We get our Starbucks and wander around a few shops until we realise it's like 6.
N-"Hey lets get some food,"
D-"Where do you want to go?"
N-"Honestly, I want to go to Nando's." He says with a small chuckle.

I don't want to eat, but I'll just get like grilled chicken, which is the best because it has close to no fat in it.
D-"Sure lets go," We go and get a table, and just enjoy each other's company. I get a text from Khloé.
From Khlo<3:
Where are u, who are u out with?
To Khlo<3:
Oh I just went to the mall with Niall, I'll be home soon.
From Khlo<3:
Okay see u later x

Our food arrives, I ordered this chicken and salad thing, it's weird. It's like grilled chicken with a side salad, possibly the most plain mean ever. And Niall got a burger with fries. As I'm eating I realise how fucking hungry I am, I of course am no where near to finishing the meal and I won't be able too, but surely I can just keep down one meal? This is what I have always been scared of, enjoying my food. I feel so guilty the good taste goes away, and I then start struggling to eat more, that's when my demons kick in.

You don't need that food.
Your fat enough already.
Just go purge.
Niall will hate you if your an ugly whale.

The pleasure from the chicken left and now it just tastes like shit. I just cut it up and mix it around on my plate, trying to make sure that it looks like I ate more than I did.

I excuse myself to the bathroom and do my thing. When I get back me and Niall just enjoy spending some time together. Until we decide we should get home. Niall calls an Uber for us. We get to the Kardashians house.
N-"I'll see you tomorrow for the X factor," he hugs me and whispers in my ear,
"Don't listen to what they say, you're beautiful." Then kisses me on the cheek.

He drives off leaving me blushing. I try to compose myself before walking into the house. I open the door and everyone's on the sofas, including Kylie. I walk to the stairs to go up,
Kh-"Dem! Come and sit with us," I slowly walk over and Khloé stands up and practically picks me up and puts me on her lap.
Kr-"How was your date with Niall?"
D-"It wasn't a date,"
Ki-"Did he take you out for dinner?"
Ki-"Did he pay for it?"
Ki-"Then it's a date." Kylie is just mumbling stuff under her breath, and Kendall kicks her leg to make her shut up.

What did I do to make her hate me so much? We all just continue talking until we decide to go to bed to prepare for the X Factor tomorrow. I don't know why Kim and Khloé were acting so off, they were mouthing stuff back and forth, what are they up to?

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