Chapter 27- Reluctant

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**Demi's POV**
Me and Khloé are just sitting on the bed talking,
Kh-"There's no way you don't like hi-" Kourtney and Kim come in and throw themselves on the bed.
Ki-"There's no way who doesn't like who?" Khloé smirks and I hide my face in my hands.
Ko-"Who?! We need answers!"
Kh-"He's a guy apart of a band."
Ki-"Is it someone from emblem 3?"
Kh-"Not an X factor contestant."
Ki-"Oh then that's easy Niall Horan?"
Kh-"How did you get that?"
Ko-"It's all over the news."
I fake a whimper and they all laugh.
Ki-"Of course he likes you haven't you seen Louis and Harry's instagr-" I try to shush her.
Kh-"What Instagram post?" She pulls out her phone and goes on Instagram, then goes to Louis' account and shows everyone then Harry's and shows everyone.
Kh-"This is adorable!!"
Ki-"How did this happen?" She smirked.
D-"Nothing happened! We just fell asleep while watching a movie."

We continue chatting for a while, until Kim says.
Ki-"Hey guys, I've got a photo shoot for SKIMS, do you guys want to come with, them we can grab a bite to eat after?"
Ko-"Yeah sure."
Kh-"Sounds good."

We all get ready and meet at the front door. We go out to the car and Kris drives, Kourtney's in the front, then I'm squished between Khloé and Kim in the back.
D-"Why am I in the middle?" I joke
Ki-"Because your really skinny and small." I laugh along with the rest, but I'm not that stupid I know she's lying.

We make it to the SKIMS shoot and get Kim into hair and makeup. We get into a conversation with the director.
Di- Director
Di-"You look so familiar.. Oh! Don't you sing that song about a... Sky-Sky.."
D-"Skyscraper?" I say chuckling.
Di-"Yes! Have you ever considered doing any shoots? For like magazines?"
Di-"Why? You're perfect for something like that! You're young and influential, you're pretty, your in great shape."
D-"I guess I never really thought about it, you know it's probably not really something I'd be good at." He hands me a small, piece of paper with his contact information on it. Khloé nudges smirking,
Kh-"What a great opportunity!"
D-"I don't think I'm gonna get in touch."
D-"Nobody would want me for it, I'm not as pretty or as skinny as a model,"
Kh-"Demi, yes you are you could book a bunch of stuff."
D-"Let's stop this is Kim's shoot not mine, let's focus on her."
Kh-"Nah, don't worry about that everything is about Kim and she has like 2 shoots a week."

We go over to Kim and she asks what the director was talking about.
Ko-"He was trying to get Demi to model."
Ki-"What a great idea!" I look down.

Your too fat for that.
Your ugly.
They're just saying that to make you feel good.

Kh-"I know she'd be so good!"
D-"I wouldn't be."
Kourtney sits down for hair and makeup.
Kh-"Why are you getting hair and makeup done?"
Ki-"I decided to get Kourtney to model some shape wear and I called Kendall and Kylie to come and do the same."
Me and Khloé go sit on a bench.
D-"Why are you not doing it?"
Kh-"Kim never asks me to do it, she just says I'm the fat Kardashian sister and I am so it makes sense."
D-"What? Why would anyone call you fat? Your skinny and toned because you work out!"
Kh-"You can't really say much you're practically a stick you're so skinny."
D-"No I'm not. But you-"
Kh-"Yes you are!"

Kim comes over.
Ki-"Demi we're wondering if you want to model one of the outfits, we have 2 more left for someone to model."
D-"I mean I don't think I should-"
Ki-"Please Demi."
D-"Did you say you need 2 more people? Because why don't you use Khloé and someone else?"
Ki-"I mean, I guess I could use Khloé, but I need someone else. Why don't the 2 of you do it."
Kh-"Demi, please do it. If you do it, I'll do it with you"

She takes both our hands and drags us over to get hair and makeup on.
D-"I still haven't agreed to this!"

While we're getting our makeup on, Kim comes over.
Ki-"So what size do you think you'd be?"
D-"Uhhh, I'm not sure." She walks over and checks the label on the back of my t shirt.
Ki-"I think we might have something, how are you so small and skinny!" She pulls out shorts and practically a bra the top is so short.
D-"I-uhh-I'll look bad in that."
Ki-"No you won't!"

Kim gives Khloé and XL,
Kh-"Kim, I know I'm big, but I'm not an XL! Do you have like a medium?"
Ki-"I mean, you can try but you won't fit."
My long blonde-pink ombré hair is curled, my makeup is quite natural with a smokey eye.
Ki-"You look great! Go try on the clothes."

I go into the bathroom and change into it. I check the label, an XXXS.
I look so big, my bones aren't sticking out as much as I want them too, my thighs look fat, I probably have a double chin, ughhh. I look so bad.

I put a white robe on and walk out meet Khloé who looks amazing.
D-"Oh my god Khloé! You look amazing!"
Kh-"let's see you!" I look down.
D-"I don't want to do this."
Kh-"Dem, I bet you look great."
D-"No I look really fat."

Kim walks up behind me.
Ki-"No you don't! Take off the robe."

When she realises I'm not taking it off she  slips if off both shoulders, making it fall.
D-"Kim, I don't think I want to do this,"
Ki-"Why you look great! How can you be sooo skinny yet still have hips, boobs and an ass!"
D-"It's a bit much my stomachs like practically hanging out."
Kh-"No it's not!"

When we've all gotten ready, we all come together. All the sisters are here, and a few really pretty friends who look like models.

Here goes nothing.

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