Chapter 35- Suprise!

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Sorry guys, I don't know what happened with the last chapter, it fucked up and ended up the same as the last chapter? I'll post another today x

**Demi's POV**
Kr-"We don't have time to eat, so if you guys want grab a salad for the ride." Kim, Khloé and Kourt all go over and grab a salad.
Kh-"D, do you want one?"
D-"Umm, no thanks last time I ate before going on stage I threw up.."
Kh-"But you won't have enough energy,"
D-"It's good I'll have something after."

We all pile into the car Kris driving, Kourt shotgun and I'm in the middle of Khloé and Kim.

That's when I start get worked up and nervous about me performance. My knee is bouncing around because I'm so nervous. I feel Khloé's hand on my knee.
Kh-"Chill, Dem. It's all good you're gonna be great."

That's when my other knee started bobbing um and down. Kim put her hand on my other knee.
Ki-"Dont work yourself up about it, you're so good."
D-"What if they don't like the song, nobody has ever heard it so what if it's actually shit."
Ki-"I've never heard a song of yours that I haven't liked. Your over thinking this." Khloé puts her arm around me and I snuggle up to her.

We arrive and I am so nervous I'm visibly shaking. We walk backstage, what if Simon hates it?
D-"Khlo what if Simon hates it."
Kh-"I bet h-"
S-"Hey Demi!" He gives me a hug.
S-"Why so shaky?"
D-"Just a bit nervous," I laugh.
S-"Khloé! How are you?"
Kh-"I'm great, I've got this one living with me right now," she points at me and giggles.
S-"Why's that?"
D-"My older sister got a temporary job in LA, and my mom had to go with her."
S-"What does she do?"
D-"She's an acting coach, right now she's doing toddlers and tiaras."
S-"Really? What's her name?"
D-"Dallas Lova-"
S-"Oh my god Dallas! I've worked with her before, she coached a few people on here, because she also does some singing doesn't she?"
D-"Yeah she really does it all," I laugh.
S-"Oh and Demi,"
S-"I have a little surprise for you.."
D-"Uh oh." Kelly R, Kelly C and Britney come running towards me,
KC-"We've missed you!"
B-"We're so excited for your performance!"
Kh-"I know right she's gonna be great," Khloé buts in making them look at her.
KC-"How are you?"
KR-"The whole gangs here." They all go over and greet the Kardashians.
Kr-"Khlo-Khlo do you mind if me Kim and Kourt go get something to eat before the show?"
Kh-"Yeah sure go for it, she you later," me and Khloé hug Kris, Kourt and Kim before they leave.
S-"Dem what are you singing?"
D-"Umm, it's a new song called Skyscraper.." I saw and look down.
S-"I bet it will be great! I have to go and check on my contestants, I'll see you before you go on stage!"
D-"See you later."

Me and the girls go into my dressing room. All I have to do is my hair, and I've got like 2 and a half hours until I go on stage so I've got plenty of time. We all sit on the 2 sofas facing each other. One one sofa is me, Kelly C on one side and Kelly R on the other, and the other sofa is Khloé and Britney.
KR-"I've missed you so much," she pulls me closer in a massive hug.
B-"Do you have anything to do before you go onstage?"
D-"Yeah, I have to change and do something with my hair. My makeup is already done, Khloé did it! She did so good!"
KC-"No way Khloé did your makeup! You look so good I thought a makeup artist did it!"
Kh-"Why thank you," she said in a funny voice making us all laugh.

While we're all talking, out of the corner of my eye I see Kelly C's eyes glancing at my wrists. Shit, I've cut a few times at Khloé's, but she can't know that. I have a little makeup on my scars, but not much. I'll need to put a little more on before I go onstage. I look at Kelly C and mouth 'Don't worry I haven't cut' which is a complete lie, but I don't care. Anything to make people think I'm normal. Kelly C looks reluctant, but just nods.
Kh-"I've loved having Dems at my house, everyone loves her there."
D-"I mean, not quite everyone.." I look at Khloé and she starts laughing.
Kh-"I mean, all of my family members that aren't bitches.."
D-"Her sister beat me up" I laugh. Khloé explains the whole story.
Kh-"She also called Demi some awful names."
KR-"Like what?" I look down while Khloé says
Kh-"She called her fat and an ugly attention seeking whore."

I get a notification while they are all talking about what a bitch Kylie is.
Holy Fuck.

Did she just-

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