Chapter 3- Niall's 'Girlfriend'

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**Demi's POV**

"The mystery girl is.... SELENA GOMEZ!!" Mario Lopez announced. I looked back and Selena was sitting in the fourth row from the back in a very visible seat, I stared her in the eyes, she knows how much I like Niall, she noticed all the pain, disappointment and most important, betrayal.

I looked back at Niall and he saw a tear falling from my eye, making a defined tear mark from my eye to my jaw line in my makeup. Before I could walk away, Mario started talking again, "And if you don't believe this, we have photo evidence!" Mario put a pic of Selena and Niall kissing while walking outside of a fancy restaurant, Niall was wearing a suit and Selena was wearing a fancy dress. OMG it's true!

Before anyone could talk to me, I stormed off, and on my way I grabbed Selena's arm and dragged her up and through the back of the stadium/arena thing.
"Why Selena?" I said letting a tear slip from my eye.
"I swear nothing ever happened between me and Niall Dems!"-S
"Well how do you explain the picture!"-D
"I don't know it must of been photoshopped! I swear Dems I didn't kiss him, and I'm not dating him! Dems I would never do that to you, you love Niall and I don't want to come between that! He loves you too! Go for it, make a move on him Dems!"

**Kelly's POV**
What is going on! *Short Recap* Niall and Demi like each other, (I think) Niall is dating Selena Gomez, he is acting like they are not dating, Demi is mad at Selena... *Recap Over*

Right after Demi and Selena stormed off, they cut to a commercial break, my and the other female judges decided to go and check on Demi, but we heard Demi and Selena talking so we didn't go in yet, we just waited outside her dressing room, we could hear everything she was saying. We heard Selena saying something to Demi..
"I don't know it must of been photoshopped! I swear Dems I didn't kiss him, and I'm not dating him! Dems I would never do that to you, you love Niall and I don't want to come between that! He loves you too! Go for it, make a move on him Dems!"
We all looked at each other, trying to take in what was just said, Demi likes Niall!

A/N please tell me if you like this so far🖤

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