Chapter 12- The Return of.. 'Her'

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**Demi's POV**
The next act comes on stage and my heart just drops.

Tanya Davidson.(made up name)
She struts on stage, like she fucking owns the stage and stares me directly in the eye with her smug face, it felt like her eyes were digging into my soul. Kelly nudged me from under the table and mouthed 'are you okay?' I just nod then Tanya continues.
"Hello, I'm Tanya Davidson, I'm 16 and I'm from Dallas Texas!" She says extremely confidently giving me a bitchy look.
S-"Which artists do you look up to?"
"Well, me and Demi go far back, I feel I have a big part in her career taking off and always believing in her."

I feel shivers down my spine as I think of all of the negative memories I have from her. I feel pressured to crack a slight smile and slightly nod my head.
S-"That's so great! What song will you be singing?"
"A song that means a lot to me, I feel the writer had a deeper meaning to the song than noticed by fans and they should definitely try to dig deeper for the true struggles of the writer, but I feel I can relate to the struggles. I will be singing Skyscraper by Dems" this couldn't get any worse what am I going to do. I won't be able to sit through this.

*Opening Music*
Shit shit shit

Skies are crying, I am watching
Catching teardrops in my hands
Only silence, as it's ending
Like we never had a chance
Do you have to make me feel like
There's nothing left of me?

Is she trying to expose the fact that I have been through shit in my life? As I recall my school life and flashbacks of my worst days I feel a panic rising in me and I feel a full on panic attack coming on, I try to hold it in but it's not too long before Kelly notices that I'm struggling to breathe, with a bright red face and tears streaming down my face. She notices that I'm slowly running out of breath and nudges Britney for help. I see Britney calmly but swiftly take my hand and lead me backstage.

I sit down then burst into a full on panic attack, I start gasping for air while rocking back and forth. Britney pulls me onto her lap to try and sooth me but what if I crush her. I try to edge closer and closer off her and she asks "sweetie why are you moving away?" And I choke out "I'll crush you" louder than I expected it to come out.

She immediately pulls my closer and calms me down. She rocks me side to side when I finally calm down
B-"sweetie, are you okay? What caused this?"
I can't decide if I should be honest or try to keep my pain to myself, however before I could think I blurt out
D-"You see the.. umm.. uhh.. Set! Of the uhh stage makes me emotional.."
B-"Please Demi. Let me in, I want to help."
D-"Well.. Basically Tanya was my bully, she's the cause of all of my issues. She started the names, then that lead to people hanging up on me, then that got physical and I was constantly being beaten up, she put the ideas in my head to p..p..purg..e and c-cc-cut. She told me everyday that I need to loose weight, that I'm not worthy of life, how nobody wants to see my ugly, fat face, how nobody likes me, that I should just k..k..k.kill m-myself. That lead to a suicide petition going round for me to end it a-all and it got 186 signatures, there was only 204 p-people in my school. Then that lead to... never mind"
Suddenly I hear a voice that is not Britney's..

Thank you guys so much for the support on this story xx

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