Chapter 8- I'm Unfixable

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**Demi's POV**
I just don't even know if I can do this anymore, I've fought and fought, yet I just can't get out of this dark hole I've dig myself into. I could just end it all. End all the pain and misery I go through day to day. It could all be gone in a blink of an eye.

But I can't help but feel guilty for the few who do care, the other judges and my family, I've got a a little sister who idolises me and looks up to me, I can't end it all. Not now at least.

**Britney's POV**
As I come closer and closer to the door I hear more whimpering and more sniffing, it breaks my heart what this has come to. I knock first to see if she will just open the door.
"Um.. Dems..'s Brit, c..can I please come in?"

The door slowly opens to reveal a broken little beautiful girl, with puffy red eyes and blonde to pink hair covering her face, all broken. When she sees me she tries to say something then she just bursts into tears. I swiftly shut the door and run to her side and embrace her in a hug, she silently cries into my shoulder.

**Demi's POV**
I was expecting her to judge me, like everyone else does,
"Why?" Britney turns to face me.
I've been holding it in for so long and it's time to get it all out.
"I'm just a a fat, worthless piece of shit! Like why am I even here I'm just a waste of space! I don't even know how everyone has put up with me for the past 15years!(I know she wasn't 15 but I wanted to make her that age for this story) Nobody likes me and they all go out of their way to tell me that every day! I just can't do it anymore.." it felt so good to get everything off my chest, however Britney looked like she had seen a ghost or something.

**Britney's POV**
Everything Demi was saying was absolutely heart breaking, then at the end she mumbled "I just can't do this anymore.." and my heart just stopped, she thinks so little of herself and it pains me to hear everything she was saying, I decided to share my experiences with her to make her know how it's not just her alone in this.
"D..d..Dems, you are the most beautiful, person inside and out, Dems you are dangerously skinny and it's not healthy to continue like this, from the bottom of my heart I promise that you are loved by so many people. I'd like to share something with you that I've never shared with anyone before, when I was about your age, actually maybe a couple years older, I felt with the same issues as you, thinking I'm worthless, fat, ugly etc. however, I had a great support team to help me through it. And we may not be a professional support team but we care about you too much to let you do this to yourself, can you please tell me what has caused this?"

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