Chapter 24- Close

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**Demi's POV**
I slowly wake up not remembering going to sleep I and lying on the sofa, with Niall's arms around my waist pulling me close to him because we don't have much room and the back of my head in his chest.

I hear voices from kitchen, then I feel Niall's hand moving and I start falling forwards off the sofa, Niall tries to grab me but he just rolls off too. We are both lying on the ground and we look at each other and start hysterically laughing. Kelly C comes running through.
KC-"I heard a bang are you O-" she sees us on the floor and starts laughing. The others followed behind her and they are all laughing too.
We stand up and make our way through to the kitchen.

Everyone talking but I just get consumed in the voices of my demons.

Niall thinks you're ugly as fuck.
Nobody wants to see your fat ass legs in those shorts.
Look at you fucking fat thighs.
Niall had no room on the sofa.
You were squishing him all night.
Niall dropped you off the sofa cause you're so heavy.
You only fell because your too fat to be caught.

KR-"Demi? Demi? D-E-M-E-T-R-I-A? Hello?"
D-"Yeah sorry I just zoned out.."
KR-"What were you thinking about?"
KR-"Demi you said you would be honest with me, come through to the room next door and tell me what's up, follow me."

She takes my hand and drags me through to a room, shuts the door and leads me over to the bed and sits down.
KR-"Sweetie, what's on that pretty little mind of yours?"
D-"Was I squishing Niall in the sofa?" I look down at my lap, but see my fat thighs so quickly try to look away. Tears are forming in my eyes and I try my hardest to fight them back.
Kelly takes my hand and leads me over to a full body mirror. She hugs me from the back and a tear drips down her face.
KR-"Tell me what you see"
D-"A fat, ugly fuck who should jus-" I quickly shut up when I realise what I just said, and what I was about to say.
KR-"who should just what?"
D-"Who should j-just end it all" I say and look down letting tears freely roll down my face. Kelly hugs me harder.
KR-"Do you want to know what I see," she continued before I could answer "because I see a beautiful young woman who deserves the world. Dangerously skinny and I can see pain in her eyes, her beautiful hazelnut eyes." I turn around and give her the biggest hug.
KR-"Now, that's not all that was on your mind."
D-"do these shorts my my legs look fat?"
KR-"Not in the slightest, it made me realise how skinny they are. You can't even see the shorts since the jumper you're wearing is so big."
D-"But my thighs-"
KR-"Dem-Dem, your thighs are super skinny, it's dangerous."
KR-"Our next challenge is breakfast.."
D-"I'm not actually hungr-"
KR-"No, your eating Demi. I know it's hard, but Dem you have to. Squeeze my hand when you're struggling." She takes my hard then wraps me in a hug and kisses the top of my head.

She leads up back into the kitchen and, believe it or not, I ate. I didn't want anyone to be suspicious. I think they might be slightly suspicious from the constant hand-squeezing, and whispering, but I still ate. I feel like shit and want to purge but they won't let me leave. I might actually be starting to believe they might, well, possibly care about me.

Demetria you know they don't.

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