Chapter 47- What Has He Done?

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**Demi's POV**
I see them coming towards us and I scurry under the covers and start proper hysterically crying.

Niall and Kelly R rush up to me and Kelly's comforting me while Niall grabs a blanket. Kelly picks up my clothing that was scattered around the room and puts it in the bag she has. She takes of her big jumper and tells me to put it on. I throw it over my head and Niall comes rushing back with a blanket.when he realises I'm wearing Kelly's jumper and I'm not naked, he gives me the biggest, most meaningful hug I've ever received.

Simon and Louis walk in and come over to us. Simon comes straight to me and picks me up and we all walk out. I snuggle into his chest trying to block out the flashing lights from the paparazzi. He holds me close. He's really protective over me and I think of his as like a dad.

We make our way to the car and as soon as we get in the car I burry my head in my hands and silently cry. I feel Niall's hand around my back and he pulls me so my head is on his shoulder. I'm such a slut.

Next thing I know I open my eyes and see Niall, he's carrying me. I must have fallen asleep. I hear the door open.
Kh-"Where the fuck have you guys been!"
KC-"We were so worried,"
H-"Why did you guys take so long.

They look at me and I just shut my eyes again and turn into Niall's stomach. I feel him moving again and him going up the stairs. He brings me to my room and places me down on the bed. I curl up into a ball and remember what happened when I was last in a bed. My face quickly turns to fear.
N-"Dem are you gonna be okay in here alone?" I reluctantly nod my head, knowing I'm not okay.
N-"DD I can stay in here with you, or I can get Kelly?"
D-"Y-you don't have to," I say in a croaky, broken voice.

He walks over to the bed and gets in, wrapping his arms around my waist pulling me close.
N-"Dem you're safe now," he whispers in my ear, making me feel safe. We both dose off.

**Kelly R's POV**
Niall goes up with Demi in his arms, and everyone else just looks confused.
B-"What's up with her?"
KR-"Lets go sit on the couch, we have a lot to explain."

We go over and all sit on the sofas.
KR-"We didn't know where Niall and Demi were after the interview, then we found Niall looking for Demi. We all freak out and look around for her. Niall gets a call from her and she seems petrified, asking for help, then the line goes flat. Niall used 'find my friends' to find where she is and it was the Hilton close to here. We rushed there and used 'find my friends' to get the right room, and we heard some dude screaming at her. Simon knocks down to door and.. we uhh.. see Demi's dad r-raping-g her.."
KC-"Holy shit is she okay?"
B-"That fucking ass." I see Khloé out of the corner of my eye silently crying.

She must be taking this really hard, they've been so close recently.
KR-"Me and Niall were comforting her, trying to get her quickly dressed and out of the room, that's why she's just wearing my jumper. And Simon, what did you and Louis do with him?"
S-"I tried to pin him against the wall and Louis helped and we called security and then the police. They got him so we don't need to worry for now."
H-"Where are Niall and Demi?"
Kh-"Dem won't have wanted to be alone." She says in a small voice.
Z-"We can't have her working tomorrow, can we move it?"
S-"As much as I'd love to, the schedule is packed and she'd have to do it tomorrow."
KC-"At least she won't have to do it alone, she has Niall." We all coach with the help of one of the 1D boys.
KR-"He's really good with her, ima go check what their up to." Me and Simon head up to just peak our heads in and see if they're okay. I whisper to Simon,
KR-"Look, their fast asleep. He's comforting her she's been through a lot today."
S-"He's a little too close, he's up against her and his arms are around her waist.."
KR-"Simon, they're not gonna do anything, she's been through a lot and that is really the last thing she'd want to do after today."
S-"I know," We leave the room and head back down stairs.
KR-"It's been a long day for her."

The next few day pass quickly. We make it to Friday with no drama, and get to go home.

**Demi's POV**
I wake up with Niall's arms around my waist, like I have for the last 4 nights and I love it. My head is snuggled into his muscular chest. He starts to stir and wakes up.
N-"Hey D, sleep well?" He says in his husky morning voice.
D-"Yeah, did you?"
N-"Yeah, I'm gonna miss waking up with you in my arms the next 3 nights." I blush and agree with him.
D-"We could meet up tomorrow?"
N-" I'd love that,"
D-"Fuck I need to get ready!"
N-"Dem you don't need that long, we're just going to the airport."
D-"Yeah but I can't look like shit,"
N-"Dem you look beautiful without makeup." This just makes me blush and we get ready then leave to the airport.

Once we get to the airport and get through security, we have 5 minutes until we board.
KC-"I'm not functioning right, I'm gonna quickly go to Starbucks."
D-"Can I come, I'm not coping great either."
KC-"Lets go,"

Me and Kelly C get in the queue and just talk, we're both still like half a sleep.

We order our drinks and we use fake names so we don't get recognised, we're both wearing sunglasses so we aren't recognised. I go by my go-to name 'Devonne' and Kelly just picks a random name on the spot, 'Ke-Graham!" I laugh so hard then whisper to Kelly,
D-"Kel, you know that's a dude name right?"
KC-"I came up with in on the spot I'd don't know what to say!"

We head back to everyone else and board the plane. Next thing I remember I'm being shaken awake by Niall.
N-"Dem we're home."

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