Chapter 50-Well, Its a Long Story

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**Demi's POV**
Ko-"Why the fuck is she crying?"
Ki-"Kourt calm the fuck down!"
Kh-"She's not crying because she made out with her boyfriend! It's something else and you're clearly just being a bitch so get the fuck out of here!"
Ko-"Oh, I'm so sorry! She's crying cause she was caught! My bad!" She says in a really sarcastic tone.
Ki-"What the fuck has gotten into you Kourtney?"

Kourtney looks at us and storms off. Kim comes over to me and rubs my back, comforting me.
Ki-"What is it Dem?" I look at Khloé, sending her a look to tell Kim. I couldn't say it without crying.
Kh-"Well, when her dad, uhh, you know what, he said-"
D-"Demetria toughen up you little slut." I say in a small voice.
Kh-"And when Kourtney called her a slut, it gave her a flashback."

I'm snuggled into Kim's side and I feel me eyes getting heavy. I try to fight it, but it all goes dark.

**Kim's POV**
Awww, she fell asleep on my lap! She is so adorable. I carry her bridal style to get her under the sheets. Me and. Khloé sneak out trying not to wake her. She's not been getting much sleep recently, she's been having some pretty bad nightmares, so when she does get to sleep, she needs to stay asleep.

Me and Khlo head downstairs into the living room. We see Kourtney,
Ko-"So your just gonna run off to her defence?! You're seriously treating her like a 2 year old."
Kh-"Shut the fuck up for a minute Kourtney, and let us explain. You know that night when her dad, you know what. He said 'Demetria, toughen up you little slut." And when you called her a slut she had a flashback from it."
Ko-"Sure, she definitely doesn't just doesn't want to be trouble." She says sarcastically.
Ki-"Kourtney that's fucking insensitive. You can say that you weren't fucking raped by your dad."

We hear a familiar voice, and it wasn't mine, Khloé's or Kourtney's.
Kh-"Oh... Hi mom.."
Kr-"What the fuck, explain this now."

Khloé explains everything to mom and she's properly bawling her eyes out.
Kr-"Why didn't you tell me this sooner? My baby was suffering."
Ki-"She's been through so much at suck a young age, it's not fair. She's barely had a childhood."
Ko-"And, we found her making o-" me and Khloé both shush her, trying to finish the sentence.
Ki-"Making- up a new song!"
Kr-"What! Who was she making out with!?"
Kh-"She was just making up a song mom!"
Kr-"Khlo stop lying."
Ko-"Exactly, moms on board with me, yeah she was caught making out with Niall ON HER BED!"
Kr-"No! My baby. She's too young, she's only 15!"
Kh-"She's also not your child."
Kr-"Yes she is, she's got a shit family and I'm practically like her mom, we're not going to do the whole 'she's not related' thing. Why do you think y'all get so protective over her? Because you think of her as being a sister."
Ko-"Exactly! And Khloé practically rooting her on! She was saying it's about time."
Kr-"Khlo! Don't give her ideas."
Ki-"Mom of course she's gonna go through this stage at on point or another! So what? She kissed a boy."
Ko-"It was more than just a kiss."
Kh-"Shut up Kourtney."
Kr-"Dem is too young. What are we gonna do when he's over again?"
Ko-"How about we don't have him over again?"
Kr-"Kourt that's too far."
Kh-"Whatever happens, happens."
Ki-"As much as I want to be on your side for this, I also don't want her fucking anyone yet."
Kh-"You were her age! Mom, why were you okay with Kim being like this as a teenager and not Dem?"
Kr-"She's the last one, Kylies a bit of a whore so Demi was the only innocent one and she's already making out with guys."
Ki-"Remember that she does have to grow up though."
Kr-"Yeah, she also needs to grow up, physically. Like she needs to gain some weight, she's so skinny and barely eats anything."
Ki-"Yeah, as skinny as she is she has a great figure. I want to use her for my next SKIMS shoot next week."
Kh-"Kim then you'd be promoting eating disor-"
Kr-"I fucking knew it! I'm I really that bad of a mom?" She says with a tear falling from her eye.
Kh-"No mom, your amazing and so supportive and Dem literally tells me everyday about how grateful she is for you and our family."

Me and Khlo explain everything to Mom and try to comfort her. Koutney just sits their, still in a mood, not making eye contact with us.

Ki-"Kourtney get the fuck out of your mood."
Ko-"I just can't believe your not gonna punish her or at least give her some kinda warning. Mom are you really okay with her doing stuff like this?"
Kr-"she's just a baby,"
Kh-"This is just pissing me off, yeah we treat her young, and like she's the baby of the family but she's fucking growing up! Of course she's gonna be doing stuff like this! She's 15, most kids her age make out with random dudes, at least Dems making out with a guy who she has been beat friends with for the past 1-2 years! Let her be a kid!"

We hear the door open, again. Shit it's Bruce.
B-"What? Who's making out with who?!" He gets really protective over stuff like this, he's really traditional and thinks that 15 is too young for this stuff.
Kr-"Nothing honey,"
B-"No, explain." Of course, fucking Kountney is LIVING for Bruce's reaction.
Ko-"It's Demi, she was caught on her bed making out with Niall!"
Kh-"Kourtney shut the fuck up."
B-"That little-"

He storms up the stairs and Kris runs after him.
Kr-"Leave her alone right now, she never gets sleep right now."
B-"This is more fucking important."
Kr-"Honey, we've got something to tell you, if you come downstairs and sit on the couch, without waking up Demi."
B-"Fine, for now, but no promises I won't wake her up later."

We explain the whole Patrick-Demi situation and he is shocked. We then try to come up with a way to explain the whole Demi-Niall situation, this won't go well.

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