Chapter 54-Just End It.. All

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**Demi's POV**
I get ready quickly and run downstairs. I meet eyes with Niall and swiftly take his arm and push him out of the room.
D-"Shit. They noticed my hickey. What do I say?"
N-"Uh, maybe. Maybe say it was from Saturday? You know when your sisters caught us."
D-"Thanks Ni, I'll do that." I give him a quick peck on the lips and make my way to the living room.

S-"Demi, please explain this," he points at my neck.
KC-"When did you, Uh, get that?"
D-"Khlo you know on Saturday.."
Kh-"Oh okay that makes sense."
S-"What happened on Saturday?"
S-"What kind of things?"
KR-"Things where Demi was caught making out with Niall."

We all have a very awkward conversation about it until the taxi gets here. We make our way to the stadium.

Stylist-"Um Demi we might want to cover the thing on your neck better.."

We get ready for the live shows and prep our acts. All the judges have 15 minutes before air and we all sit on the sofas talking. My stylist walks in and taps Kelly C on the shoulder and asks her to come outside the room with her for a minute, what? I'm so confused, just like everyone else. Kelly C walks back into the room and sits down like nothing happened.
D-"Uh, Kel? What was that?"
KC-"She just wanted to give me something."
D-"What did she give you?"
KC-"A piece of paper she found."

I shut up when it clicks and I know what the paper is. It's the note Kylie gave me which was attached to the razor she gave me. I mean, to be honest I was quite grateful she gave it to me, everyone else won't let me have them. It said,

'I thought you might want this for your dirty little secret, well not so secret anymore. Thank me later.
Kylie J xoxo'

We get ready to go on stage. This week it's 'Best of Movie Music'. We make our way to the panel.

Everyone is doing well, then Alex and Sierra come out. I immediately recognise the music. Simon chose for them to sing 'This Is Me' from Camp Rock. Everyone laughs in the audience and on the panel. I mouth all the words and dance around making everyone laugh. Oh, and Alex and Sienna's vocals were absolutely amazing! Sierra sang my part and Alex sang Joes.

D-"What can I say? Great song choice Simon! And guys your vocals were absolutely frickin incredible! I mean, I don't know who that song is by, but regardless you did better than the original." I say making everyone laugh.

The show finishes up and we all head back to the house. We all part ways and go to our rooms, 1D go of to write music, Kelly R goes on FaceTime with Destiny's Child, Kelly C takes a business call about her talk show, Britney has a call with her manager about a performance for an award show, Khloé has a call for a new hosting gig at the Teen Choice Awards and Simon has a business call. Everyone is really busy so I head to my room and scroll through stuff on social media.

I press on Perez Hilton's new article that a bunch of people have been forwarding to me.

Is Demi Faking It For The Fame?

The 15 year old pop sensation Demi Lovato caught self harming, then alleged alcohol consumption? Is she faking it for fame?

The 'Skyscraper' singer was caught with her bracelets falling down her arm, revealing faint red marks. She was more recently caught stumbling into a limo with her fellow judges. She has also been seen out with a back eye. And most recently, on tonight's episode of 'The X Factor USA' You could see a faint hickey on her neck. All of this information at once, is it real or a publicity stunt to boost Lovato's career?

Many are sticking up for the X Factor Judge, by telling people to back off because they say 'She's going through a lot at the moment' and 'should leave her to work some stuff out'. While others are saying that it's not a coincidence that all of these issues are being revealed at the same time, with leads us to believe that maybe this is just one big publicity stunt to boost the 15 year olds career.

I think it's obvious that publicity has something to do with this. Tomorrow we'll be finding out about an alleged 'eating disorder' or 'drug addiction' and it's all a big stunt. Well played Lovato, well played.
Perez off!

I make my way to my suitcase and take the razor Kylie gave me. I go to my en suite bathroom and sit on the floor. I read the article over and over,

If that's what people think, then maybe you should give up.
Believe me, end it all.
Nobody would care.
It's all over for you.
You have no place to call home.
Your family abandoned you.
You know what to do Demetria.

I take the razor and dig in as deep as I can, as I ever had. It's agony but I'm living for it, well not anymore. I take it just above my veins and go as deep as possible. I move to my thighs and do the same. My vision goes slightly blurry but it's not fully gone, so I continue sliding the razor across my wrists, ribs and thighs. My vision finally starts to fade into darkness.

It's what everyone wanted.

A/N - We're coming towards the end of the story😭 I've got another one started that I will start releasing after this finishes. I'm so thankful for you guys, I've reached 5k views and I have a few people who constantly support my story and I support theirs, and I love knowing others like reading the same stuff as me. Thank you guys so much😭🥰

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