Chapter 33- For The Love Of A Daughter

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**Khloé's POV**
After a while, it gets kinda late so we decide to part ways and go to bed. Me and Demi get ready and get in bed at we start talking.
Kh-"Hey, why wouldn't you say the title downstairs."
D-"I just didn't what people to think I have even more problems."
Kh-"What do you mean? You can tell me."
D-"It was-uhhh- called back to.. the sky?"
Kh-"Dem, come on, we said no secrets!"
D-"Fine, its called.. For The Love of a.. Daughter." I say quietly.
Kh-"Is there something you haven't told us?"
D-"No! Of course not.." Khloé puts her arm around me.
Kh-"Sure, then what's the song about?"
D-"I mean.. it's not important since I'm gonna sing the other one tomorrow.."
Kh-"Dem what's it about?"
D-"Fine, my dad."
D-"I'll explain, my dad was a drug and alcohol addict, bipolar and schizophrenic. He left when I was young."
Kh-"Dem, I'm so sorry for pushing it, I had no ide-"
D-"Khloé it's okay you didn't know, sorry if I was a bitch I've just never told anyone before."
Kh-"So your management heard the song and didn't think anything of it?"
D-"Yeah I guess.."
Kh-"That makes me so angry. Can I hear it? Does it actually sound like your talking about your dad?"
D-"Well I mean I do use the words 'father' and 'daughter' in the song so it's pretty obvious. Ummm.. my vocals sound like absolute shit without autotune, I mean I bet they put a shit tonne of autotune on all my music. The-"
Kh-"Woah,woah. I've heard you live, you sound just as good live as you do in the studio. Dem, please stop underestimating yourself and putting yourself down, I bet the recording is great."
D-"Klo, I really don't know what I'd do without you, I'm gonna show you, please know I would never show anyone else."

Four years old
With my back to the door
All I could hear
Was the family war
Your selfish hands
Always expecting more
Am I your child?
Or jut a charity award?

Holy shit why am I showing her this?

**Kim's POV**
My and Kourt are bored and we can hear Demi and Khloé so we go over to their room and just as we're about to open the door we hear Demi speaking,
D-"Klo, I really don't know what I'd do without you, I'm gonna show you, please know I would never show anyone else."
Being as nosey as we are, we decide to listen in'
Four years old
With my back to the door
All I could hear
Was the family war
Your selfish hands
Always expecting more
Am I your child?
Or jut a charity award?

Holy shit, what has this poor girl gone through?

**Demi's POV**
D-"I mean Khlo I can stop it-"
Kh-"Let me listen Dem,"

You have a hollowed out heart but it's heavy in your chest
I tried so hard to fight it but it's hopeless
You're hopeless
Oh father, please father
I'd love to leave you alone but I can't let you go
Oh father, please father
Put the bottle down for the love of a daughter

It's been five years
Since we've spoken last
And you can't take back
What we never had
Oh, I can be manipulated only so many times
Before even "I Love You"
Starts to sound like a lie
You have a hollowed out heart but it's heavy in your chest
I tried so hard to fight it but it's hopeless
You're hopeless
Oh father, please father
I'd love to leave you alone but I can't let you go
Oh father, please father
Put the bottle down for the love of a daughter

Don't you remember I'm your baby girl?
How could you push me our of your world?
Lied to your flesh and your blood
Put your hands on the ones that you swore you loved
Don't you remember I'm your baby girl?
How could you throw me right out of your world?
So young when the pain had begun
Now forever afraid of being loved

Oh father
Please father
I'd love to leave you alone but I can't let you go
Oh father
Please father
Oh father
Please father
Put the bottle down for the love of a daughter
For the love of a daughter

Holy shit what did I just do. She probably picked up on the signs. Like 'Put your hands on the ones that you swore you loved' Hopefully she didn't remember that line or a few other lines.

**Khloé's POV**
My fucking heart's breaking while I listen to this song. One line sticks out to me though, 'Put your hands on the ones that you swore you loved' what did he do to her. I heard a little yelp from Demi when that line was sung.

We hear a knock on the door and Demi's face goes sheet white in fear. She starts struggling to breath and I notice she's having a panic attack. I pull her onto my knee and she rests her head on my chest. This girl is so broken.

Kim opens the door revealing her and Kourtney. There faces go from angry, to worried, to sad, to confused in the space of 2 seconds. They cautiously walk over to my bed and sit down. Demi feels the bed weighing down where Kim sits and she springs around.
D-"Oh- h-hey." Kim opens her arms, and reluctantly, Demi goes into the hug.
Ki-"Hey, that song was great,"
D-"Y-you heard i-it?!" She says terrified.
Ki-"Yeah, it's really good, are you gonna sing it tomorrow?"
D-"No! Never I don't even want to release it, my management got a hold of it and are trying to get me to release it, but I don't want to."
Ki-"Do you have a recording of the song you're singing tomorrow?"
Ko-"We'd love to hear that!"

**Demi's POV**
D-"Yeah I've got one, but my vocals sound like shit."
Kh-"Dem no they don't!"

I pull out my phone and play a bit of Skyscraper.
Kh-"Holy shit DemDem this is amazing!"
Ko-"Jeez your vocals are amazing!"
Ki-"I don't understand how you are so talented."
D-"Guysss stop lying." Khloé hugs me from behind and says.
Kh-"Dem we're not lying have more faith in yourself."
D-"I'm so nervous for tomorrow, it's the final of America's Got Talent, what if I mess it up, and it's in front of Simon, he could easily just kick me off the show!"
Kh-"But he would never do that because you are amazing and talented so no need to worry."

We keep on talking and I remember to text Niall.
To Nialler <3
Hey how are u?x
From Nialler <3
I'm good, looking forward to ur performance tomorrow?x
To Nialler <3
I'm so scared what if Simon kicks me off X Factor because it was so bad?x
From Nialler <3
Demsy, we both know that would never happen. And I've never seen a bad performance from u, even when u hit a bad note, u find a way to play it off, ur the best singer I know xx
To Nialler <3
Niiiiii, no I'm not! xx
From Nialler <3
Dem, I gotta go I'm so sorry I'll speak to u tomorrow? Love u xx
To Nialler <3
Talk to u tomorrow! Love u too xx

Kh-"Love, eyy?" She raises her eyebrows and nudges me. Kim and Kourt just look confused.
D-"Khloé, stoppp."
Kh-"What he text you saying love you!"
Ki-"You two are too cute!"
Ko-"What did she reply?"
Before I can move my phone out of Khloé's vision she shouts out,
Kh-"Talk to you tomorrow love you too kiss kiss!" They all gush over me, we all stay up talking till be fall asleep.

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