Chapter 16- Gossip and Sex?

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**Demi's POV**
S-"Is everyone ready? In one car all of the boys and all the girls in another."
I was talking to Niall and I was slightly annoyed that we weren't gonna be in the same car, and because I'll be stuck with all of the girls asking about Niall. This is going to be a long 25 minutes.

**In Girl's Car**
We all sat down and we all started talking, I was just preparing for Khloé to ask about Niall,  surprisingly it's been a whole 5 minu- my thoughts were interrupted by
Kh-"So how do you guys like 1D? Louis is so cute!"
KR-"Excuse me have you seen Zayn! He's so cute."
P-"Oooo Kelly!"
KR-"I knowww I cant help it, look at him!"

Everyone looks at be to say something, also because I haven't said a word this whole time.
D-"Awww Kelly"
KR-" Demi! You can't say much,"
Kh-"Yeah how is Diall?"
Everyone laughs but I just look confused.
D-"What's that?"
B-"Think about it for a second you'll get it in a minute,"
Ohhhhh Diall is our ship name!
D-"Guysss stop"
KC-"What's Diall?"
Kh-"Demi and Niall's ship name!"
KC-"Awww that's adorableee"
Kh-"But honestly, all jokes aside, do you like him?"
KR-"It's just us girls here, you can tell us,"
D-"Maybe" I say in a barely audible tone,
B-"What was that sweetie?"
D-"Maybe" I said slightly louder.
Kh-"I knew ittt!"
KC-" It's obvious guys have you seen the way she looks at him!"
KR-"Stop guys she's just a baby!"
P-"No, she's our baby, but she's not an actual baby, she has a little crush so we should treat her a bit older guys." She says laughing and the others joined in.
Kh-"Yup I wouldn't leave them in a bedroom together who knows what could happen between the two 'babies'" she says and winks causing everyone to burst out laughing.
D-"Khloé to far I'm only 15!"
Kh-"I know so was I,"
P-"Jeez! Only 15 Khloé"
B-"I mean... So was I.."
KR-"Brit seriously!"
P-"While you were on Disney Channel!"
KC-"Then how old were you Kel?"
KR-"19! What about you?"
KC-"I-I was.. 14" she says quietly,
Everyone bursts out laughing.

I'm just looking awkwardly at my legs while they discuss their first times, these are the times I dislike being the youngest, I hope they don't notice me.

KR-"Awww lil' Demsy is feeling awkward about this whole sex topic, don't worry guys Demi's a good girl and she's not gonna have sex with Niall!" She says wrapping her arms around me,
Kh-"Just saying Demi is a grown up girl, she is so beautiful as well I bet all the boys are obsessed with her and will want to fuck her sooner or later!"

I look down doubting everything she just said and I tense up thinking about what everyone used to say about/to me. Tears threatening to spill. Kelly C senses my tension then realises what I'm thinking and pulls me closer and firms her grip.
Kh-"Did I-"
D-"No I'm fine," I say as a let one tear slip and try to wipe it away before the others noticed but unfortunately they did.

Khloe catches on slightly and everyone else in the car understood.
Kh-"Dem, you're so beautiful I wish you would see it."
No you're not.
Kh-"To be completely honest I wish I looked like you at your age."
Everyone senses that I don't really want to talk about it so we move on subjects.

And then we arrive at the restaurant.
Kh-"Yay, we're here! I'm so hungry." Demi tensed up as she said hungry and I could see the fear in her eyes. That's when I realised.

HOLY SHIT THIS STORY MADE IT TO 1K VIEWS! It may seem like nothing to some people but I don't care, I'm so grateful for each and everyone of you that reads this story! I thought nobody was reading it!

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