Chapter 29- Can They Come?

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**Demi's POV**
My name is called and I try to stay calm, hug Khloé then go up.

Di-"Try and look comfortable, and like, not stiff. The main thing to do is try and look natural and laid back." I look at Khloé who is standing next to the camera watching before walking in front of the camera.

The set is fully white, with a white bed with white sheets, a white small stool, and a white background and white flooring. There is a lot of bright lights making the already white set, even brighter.

The main reason I feel self conscious is because everyone can see me and I just feel like they are all judging me, but when I get into it I completely forget about everyone else. I just follow what the director is saying and go along with every pose he calls at me.

"Hands on your hips!"
"One leg up!"
"Hands running through your hair!"
"Open your mouth!"
"Get on the bed!"
"Lean on your hands!"
"Both legs pointing up!"
"Bite your lip!"
"Go to the stool!"
"Hug one leg!"
"Look down!"
"Hand supporting your back!"

"There we go that's a wrap!"
He calls me over and shows me the photos, honestly they look great, if I was a few pound lighter.
Di-"They look great! Your a natural at this!"
D-"Thanks! Are you going to photoshop these?"
Di-"Maybe lightly but not really I don't think it needs it, out of all of the shots today, yours is the only one I would be okay with using unedited."
D-"Really? Maybe you could do something with my stomach.."
Di-"It doesn't need it, you did so well!" He printed out 2 of the best ones and gave them to me.

"Di-"It doesn't need it, you did so well!" He printed out 2 of the best ones and gave them to me

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Khloé comes running over to me and engulfs me in a massive hug

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Khloé comes running over to me and engulfs me in a massive hug.
Kh-"You did so well!" Kim walks over.
Ki-"Wow Demi! I will 100% consider you for another shoot for my line you looked amazing!"
D-"Thank you guys,"

We all change and get ready to leave. We get in the car and we all swoon over each others shoots. I go onto snapchat to see a snap from Khloé on the group chat, she sent a picture of me at the shoot. Everyone else is freaking out and asking her how they got me to do it.

Both me and Khloé's phones go off and we both check our phones to see an snap from Kelly C asking if Khloé had taken me hostage and forced me to do the shoot. We both look at each other and burst out laughing. We explain to Kris and Kim, and we all laugh until we make it to the house.

It's been a long day so me and Khloé just head up to her room and talk for a while until we fall asleep.

Another successful day without eating.

Over the next few days we don't do too much, we just hang out with the rest of her sisters and go out.

Kh-"Do you want to do anything, or maybe invite anyone over?" She winks at me. I look up from my phone,
Kh-"What are you doing on there?"

She takes my phone and smirks, reading the name at the top, Nialler<3. Me and Niall have been texting non-stop for the past few days.
Kh-"Lets go down and discuss what to do with the rest."

We go down stairs and sit at the table with everyone else.
Kh-"Do you guys mind if we invite a few friends over?"
Kh-"The 1D boys."
Ke-"No way!"
Kylie seems really bitchy, she keeps on giving me really dirty looks and trying to get everyone who comes near me to hang out with her, leaving me.
Kr-"Yeah that's fine."
B-"But Khloé, Kim and Kourtney, please don't leave them alone with Kendall, Kylie or Demi." I go a pinky colour from embarrassment.
Ky-"Dad!" We all laugh.
I take out my phone and invite them over. They agree and say they will be over soon. We all chat for a while until we hear the doorbell go off. Niall's here!

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