Chapter 13- Its Gonna Be Okay

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**Demi's POV**
I hear Kelly's voice signalising she has been standing there the whole time
K-"I- Dems come here," she rushes over to me and hugs me while I'm clinging onto Britney.

I hug her back and enjoy her loving embrace more than anything.
B-"Thank you for telling me sweetheart, I love you so much and I will do anything for you and I hope you know that, but I just want to know, what we're you about to say at the end?"
D-"Umm.. well the day of that petition, I uhh went home and attempted something for the first time.."
B-"Demi, no no no this can't of happened sweetie,"
I looked at her with a small spark in my eye which soon was taken over by the pain that filled my eyes.
K-"D-Dems did you say the f..f..first time?"

I slowly nod my head receiving a small gasp from Kelly,
K-"My baby, I promise you will never have to go through something like this again, I wish I was there now but I can't change that, but I'm here now and here to stay. I love you."

I look over to see Britney silently crying and I see someone out of the corner of my eye turning to leave after watching this all unfold, I will look into that later but all I care about is the love and support I am receiving from these people. I engulf them both in the biggest hug and for the first time in forever feel at peace.
K-"Dems we need to get back to the stage,don't feel you have to come with u-"
D-"No, I want to."
Both Britney and Kelly look uncertain, but reluctantly agree.

We walk back onto stage to hear a mix of cheering and booing. I look at the stage to see her still standing there holding her head up high, I feel both Kelly and Britney squeeze my hands before I hear Kelly speak up-
K-"You(points at Tanya) need to leave. Immediately."
T-"Why? Does Fatsvato not like me up here being superior, just like nobody liked her in school. Who would even hire you." She throws a paper aeroplane at the panel and I grab it before anyone else can, and open it.
My heats drops. Tears fill my eyes as memories come flooding back at the touch of this paper.

The Suicide Petition.

I freeze as I read over it when I feel it being snatched out of my hand, by..
He looks at it in unbelief. He looks at Demi and Demi just looks at the floor.
S-"GET THE FUCK OF THE STAGE!" Simon says with anger boiling inside him.
T-"It's not my fault Demi's a fat, ugly little piece of shit who should kill herself. There's proof on the paper. You fat hoe Demi. One signature for everyone who agrees,"

I have to get away from this.

**Simon's POV**
I completely lash out on this contestant then look to the side to see Demi not there and the other judges running to the door, shit.
I follow them then hear a door slamming, I presume that was Demi..
Britney and Kelly are hugging and crying and Paulina is just pacing back and forth.

To many this may seem over dramatic, however we all care about this girl so much and know what she has been through.we all love her and want to help her and we will do whatever it takes.

**Demi's POV**
Everyone knows. Everyone knows. Everyone knows.

I know what I'm gonna do when I get backstage. I try to run of without being noticed but of course, as always I fail to do that and start running as fast as I can.

They are catching up to me so I need to get into the closest room possible before they get to me, I make it to a door and without a second thought I open it, lock it and back up against the wall with my eyes shut, slowly sliding down till I feel the cold floor meet my skin. I slowly look up when I hear a footstep..

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