Chapter 51-Overprotective Bruce

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**Kim's POV**

We are trying to come up with a way to approach the whole Demi-Niall situation with Bruce, since Koutney felt the need to fucking tell him.

B-"So, why the fuck was Demi doing THAT with Niall, I told you girls to not leave them alone together!"
Ko-"Don't worry, they definitely won't be left alone together again after this."
Kh-"Yes they will, this is what teenagers do."
B-"No it's not Khloé don't promote this."
Kh-"Think about it, Kylie and Kendall we're doing shit like this!"
B-"Yeah, but Demi's the youngest."
Kh-"Why won't y'all let her live her life! It's gonna happen at some point!"
B-"She needs to know this isn't okay! I'm gonna go get her."
Ki-"No! She hasn't slept in 2 days, she's finally asleep! Why would you wake her?"
B-"Because we need to discuss this."

He again, storms up the stairs and we try to stop him, but no luck. We see him go into her room.
B-"Demetria! Get downstairs now!"

We see Demi walk out of her room, with her arms wrapped around herself looking petrified. She slowly starts walking down the stairs,
B-"Hurry the fuck up Demetria!"

She flinches when she hears his voice, and cringes at the use of her full name. I mouth,
Ki-"Dem, it's okay."

And she just gives me a slight nod. I put my arm around her petrified little frame and walk with her through to the living room. We all sit on the sofa and Khloé pulls Demi closer to her embrace and whispers something in her ear.
B-"Khloé! If Demi's 'so grown up' then I think she can sit on her own, without you clinging onto her."
Khloé keeps Demi in her arms and just pulls her closer.
B-"Demetria, why the fuck were you caught doing THAT with Niall in your bedroom?" She lets out a quiet,
D-"I don't know.."
B-"Why do you think this is okay?"
D-"Because everyone else does stuff like that at my age and worse so I didn't think you'd have such a bad reaction.." I'm so proud of her for standing up for herself.
Kh-"See, Bruce that's exactly what I said!"
Kr-"Bruce just back off."

We all look at Demi who's trying to keep her eyes open in Khloé's arms.
Kh-"Me and Kim are gonna take her up."

Khloé picks up Demi and takes my wrist pulling me up into her room.
Kh-"Go get changed into something to sleep in and I'll do the same."

We both change into comfy clothes and look at Demi.
Ki-"She's wearing Jeans- should we-"
Kh-"I'll do it, Don't look it's fucking sad to see her like this."
Kh-"She's all bruised up from her dad and she, uhhh, started cutting on her hip."

Khloé takes her top off leaving her just in her bra. Tears filled my eyes as Khloé puts an oversized tshirt over her head. She then slides off her jeans and puts a pair of shorts on her. We just snuggle up in Khloé's bed with Demi between us and we just talk until we fall asleep.

I wake up at 3:15am to Demi squirming around. I look at the fragile little frame resting in my arms, I move my head to see her face. Her face has tears streaming down and her face is screwed up. Is she having a nightmare?
D-"N-N-N-No st-t-top-p-p!" She mumbles quietly.

I try to calmly wake her up but she just squirms more and gets even more. She finally springs up out of breath and starts rocking back and forth crying with her knees pulled to her chest. She's really short of breath and I don't know what to do, is she having a panic attack?

I make my way over to Khloé's side of the bed.
Ki-"KoKo please wake up, please I need help." Her eyes flutter open.
Kh-"What is it? Where's Demi?" She says in a panic. She looks to her side to see Demi having a panic attack.

Khloé takes Demi's hand it puts it on her heart,
Kh-"DemDem, copy my breathing."

Her short breaths turn into strained sobbing and Khloé pulls Demi into her side.
D-"I'm sorry." She says in a small, broken voice.
Kh-"It's not your fault hunny,"

**Demi's POV**
I can't believe I just woke them so early because of my fucking panic attacks. I'm such an inconvenience, I just keep of ruining everything!

We all stay up and talk for a while, until they both fall asleep. I don't want to wake them with my nightmares again so I don't sleep. I hate myself for waking them in the night.

The urge comes back, the urge for a release. The urge to see the shiny metal piercing my skin, and seeing the maroon red liquid ooze from the slice. I slowly and quietly make my way to the bathroom and search all over for a razor, having no luck. I look in my toiletry bag and pull out a small object with a post it note attached.

'I thought you might want this for your dirty little secret, well not so secret anymore. Thank me later.
Kylie J xoxo'

As much as I hate her for this, she's right, I should thank her because she is helping out.

I grab the tiny blade and watch it as it gets closer to my wrist and side it across. I've missed the slight burning sensation you get from the friction. I've missed feeling this kind of release.

I continue to slicing my wrists, until I get lightheaded and start to see black specs blurring out my vision. I take that as an suggestion to stop, and run it under the icy cold water. I dry my wrists of and sneak back into the bed like nothing happened.

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