Chapter 31- Your Daughter Did This

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**Demi's POV**
I hear lips moving, they're mouthing stuff to each other. Then I hear a really familiar, triggering sound, something I've never told anything about.

I hear a hand connecting with someone's face. My head springs up. Niall had punched Kylie. Shit. My mouth is wide open.

I jump off the bed we're on and drag Niall by the wrist out of the room and down the stairs. I see Kris.
Kr-"Hey.. You guys okay?" She hugs me and introduces herself to Niall.

Kris is definitely a motherly figure to me, she's so supportive.
D-"Yeah- I- just needed some fresh air, we'll be back in a minute." Then we walk outside together.

**Kris' POV**
Demi comes down with this boy, she looks really flustered and panicked.
Kr-"Hey.. You guys okay?" She looks like she's holding back tears, and I give her a hug. I also introduce myself to the boy she's with, he's Niall from One Direction.

She obviously likes him, the way she's looking at him right now, I'm such an expert at identifying who people like. I'll talk to her about it later.

She goes outside with him, and being the curious person I am, I decide to go to the open window at the front of the house where they are standing. It's one of those little square windows that are really high up so you can't see out of them, but they just let light in. I pretend to clean around that area in case someone comes down, but I want to know why Demi's nearly in tears.
N-"Hey, you okay?"
D-"Yeah, I mean she was right, so I can't really be mad." Who's she?
N-"Are you kidding! She called you fat! And an ugly attention seeking whore!"
D-"She- um- I guess she did, but she's just being honest."
N-"Demi come here." I couldn't decide if they were hugging or kissing, I hope hugging! But it clears it up when I hear talking, just hugging!
N-"Dem, you're not fat in the slightest, and your beautiful, I don't know why Kylie said that." KYLIE SAID THAT! I'm fucking raging! What the fuck!
D-"Niall you don't need to stand up for me, I get it all the time, don't worry about me."
N-"No Demsy, I want to worry about you, you're my best friend and you don't deserve this."
D-"Thanks Nialler, we should get back to the others, so they leave Kylie alone."
N-"How are you such a nice person, she was just so rude to you and your standing here worrying about her because she might get in trouble from her sisters?"
D-"But, she was just saying her opinion." I sprint to the Kitchen and try to look natural as they open the door. She has tear tracks down her face,
Kr-"Hey, Demi come here you've been crying," I pull her into another hug and I feel a tear on my shoulder.
She takes her head up and quickly wipes her eyes.
D-"I'm okay, thanks for worrying love you."
Kr-"Love you too speak to you later."

**Demi's POV**
I tried so hard to fight my tears back but I planted a tear on Kris' shoulder, I really hope she didn't notice. Niall takes my hand and we walk up the stairs.

We walk into the room and everyone goes quiet. Kim nudges Kylie and she still just looks at me with a bitchy face. I try to avoid eye contact and I sit on the bed.

Kylie lunges at me, pushing me off the bed to the ground, then proceeds to sit on my stomach and punch me in the eye before being restrained by Liam and Louis. I try to sit up and I struggle, but I do it. Niall rushes to my side and helps me up. Niall and Khloé both take one side of me and we walk down the stairs while Kylie is still being restrained in the corner of the room.

We get to the bottom of the stairs and see Kris. Shit. We start walking to the couch and Kris dashes over to us.
Kr-"Demi! Oh my god! Are you okay?" she says in a really worried voice.
Kr-"I don't think you are.. What happened?"
Kh-"Your fucking psychopath of a daughter fucking beat the shit out of her!"
Kr-"No fucking way! Which one?"
Kh-"I think you know."
Kr-"No I-"
Kh-"Mom, be honest, who do you really think would do this?"
Kr-"fine, I'm going to fucking kill Kylie."
D-"No, it's okay, it's not her fault I was probably just being annoying.."
N-"Dem, you weren't she legit lashed out on you for no reason!"

Bruce walks through the door to see us all crowded around Demi.
B-"Uhh.. what's going on here.."
Kr-"Perfect, you're home! You're the best to deal with this," She turns my head to face him.
B-"Holy shit! Demi are you okay?"
Kr-"This was your daughters work." She points at my face.
B-"Fucking Kylie!"
Kr-"Can you please deal with this?"
B-"Happily! But can someone explain what happened?"
Kr-"I kinda want to know too."
Kh-"Dem, you okay with me saying?"
D-"Uh-Yeahh I guess.."
Kh-"Kylie was hitting on Niall, then Niall tried to talk to Demi and Kylie didn't want him to so she screams 'pay attention to ME, not that fat bitch!' Then they start arguing, then she said 'It's obvious she's not though, you can tell. She's no where near skinny enough to be anorexic! She's just an ugly attention seeking whore' then Demi and Niall go downstairs, then come back up and.. well your daughter did this." And points at my face.

Honestly, this is all very triggering. A subject, I've never told anyone about. My biological father.

Oh my god this story is #1 in Diall!!!

Thank you guys so much I can't believe this😭 I love you guys thank you for all the support xx

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Thank you guys so much I can't believe this😭 I love you guys thank you for all the support xx

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