Chapter 52- Did We Just-

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*Sexual Content*
**Demi's POV**
I woke up to Khloé shaking me awake.

Kh-"You did it again Dem? This needs to be controlled." I rub my head, trying to remember what happened yesterday.
Kh-"Your cutting, sweetie I keep on telling you, come to me."
D-"I'm sorry."
Kh-"We're leaving time the airport in half an hour."

I quickly get ready and head downstairs. I say bye to everyone, with Kris crying a lot, and we make our way to the airport.

As soon as Kelly C, Kelly R, and Britney see us they run towards us.

KC-"Omg what happened with you and Niall?"
B-"Are you guys, dating?
KR-"Have you, uhhh, done anything yet?"
D-"Woah, woah. How do you guys know about the whole Niall situation?" They all point at Khloé.
Kh-"Come on, they were gonna find out at some point!"
D-"What all did you tell them?"
Kh-"Just that you guys are dating."
D-"That's all?"
KC-"Wait, is there more!"
B-"Spill!" I burry my head in my hands and Khloé starts to explain everything.
Kh-"K! So basically Kim walked into Demi's bedroom and they were making out!"
KC-"No way!"
B-"Really!" Britney squealed.
KR-"How far did it get?" Kelly R can be very protective over me, nowhere near as overprotective as Simon though, I hope he doesn't find out.

Kh-"Sadly Kim walked in early, so nothing actually happened."
Kh-"Yeah, Demi hasn't had much action in her life." Everyone is pissing themselves laughing.
D-"Khloéééé, can we please not tell Grandpa?"
B-"I mean we'll try, but no promises Khloé won't, or Kelly R because she won't want y'all in a room together alone."
KR-"Sorry for wanting to keep her a virgin!"
S-"Woah, woah, woah. What are you all talking about?"
Kh-"Girl stuff."
S-"Yeah, I'd prefer not to know. Just came over to tell you we can now board the private plane. I'm so happy it's just us and the boys on the plane, I'm so tired I couldn't deal with people wanting my autograph and pictures right now." We all laugh and follow him to the plane.

We all find a seat, the planes really big with seats and tables, like what you get on trains. Me and Niall sat next to each other, and across from us there is Britney and Louis. Me and Niall locked hands the whole flight and nobody except for Britney and Louis noticed Britney kept on smirking at me and kicking me under the table, but I was already smiling to big for it to effect me.

We all just talk until we land, and get a taxi to the house. In a few hours we have a big partly with all of us and the contestants, which will definitely be action packed, and definitely not alcohol-free. They're trying the make sure everyone under 21, including me, doesn't get any alcohol. But we all know that's just not gonna happen.

We all get ready and head downstairs after we all chilled out for a bit. We're having the party at the contestants villa so they don't trash ours, they'll have to tidy up tomorrow. We make our way there.

The music is blasting really loud and everyone is outside, the patio and garden is massive, and there's a pool so a lot of people are hanging out in there.

N-"Dem, lets get outta here, lets go to one of the spare rooms. I feel like I haven't had a chance alone with you to talk yet."
D-"Yeah, but we have to try and find a way to not be caught."

We both sneak round the side and go through the front door, perfect. We make our way up to the room and the first thing he does is give me a quick peck on the lips.
N-"Sorry I've been dying to do that."

I lock the door and we both sit on the bed.
N-"So, we didn't really get a chance to talk about the whole kiss situation. I just wanted to say that I really like you Demi and I never officially asked, will you be my girlfriend?"
D-"NiNi, of course."

He leans in for a kiss, which gets very intense. I feel him tugging at my top, I guess we're doing this. I give a slight nod and he pulls me shirt over my head. I can't really think about how I look right now because Niall is just so distracting, which is amazing. I start unbuttoning his shirt and I take it off. He pulls my skirt down and tries to get it off my legs while keeping our lips connected. I play at his zipper, teasing him,
N-"Dem, that's mean. Stop teasing me," I chuckle and undo his zipper and pull his trousers down. Before his trousers drop to the floor, Niall grabs a small packet from his pocket and puts it on the bedside table.

I feel his hand on my back, unclasping my bra, leaving my top half naked. He kisses down my neck leading to my breasts. He lightly sucks on them making me moan. I tug at his underwear and he gladly kicks them off, pausing to open the mini packet and putting the condom on his package, which I must say really turned me on. He tugs my panties down and you can guess what happens next.

He sucked a lot on my neck, I'm hoping he didn't leave a hickey. I collapse on top of him out of breath. I can feel his chest moving up and down. We both try to regain our breath and I stand up to put on my clothes, I forget I'm just standing there naked. Niall's checking me out smirking, shit. I try to cover myself with my hands and start blushing.
N-"Dem, please. I've seen and done a lot more than that."

He stands up to and I can't keep my eyes off him. I put on my panties and start to put on my bra, when I feel Niall's hands from behind me, cupping my tits. He starts kissing my g spot on my neck.
D-"Ni, I love you but we need to get back out before people get suspicious."

A/N - Holy shittt.. How is my book number 1 in #britneyspears ! Thank y'all so much🥰

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