Part 55- I Know

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**Kelly C's POV**
I finish up with my call, I'm gonna have to fly Don't to Cali tomorrow to film an interview for my show, and I though about taking Demi with me to interview. She still fan girls over me so she's 100% be up for it.

I make my way over to her door and knock. I hear no noise, so I peak my head in and Demi isn't there. I see the bathroom light is on, I knock on the bathroom door, slightly suspicious to why she hasn't called through from the bathroom. I keep on knocking and get slightly worried. I should try to stay calm, she could just be downstairs? I look around and can't find her.

I walk into the room where all of 1D are writing and playing music.
KC-"Guys have you seen Demi? I can't find her anywhere."
H-"No, are you sure she's not in her room?"
KC-"I mean the bathroom lights on but there's nobody in her room, and she's not downstairs. She doesn't really have anywhere to go though, like where COULD she go?"

Me and the boys look around. Niall checks 'Find My Friends' and it says she's in the house.
KC-"I think we should check the bathroom.."

We make our way into her room and the boys try banging on the door. Nobody's answering, Niall gets really impatient and knocks down the door. We are all left stunned at the sight in front of us.

Liam dials 911.

I project my voice through the whole of the upstairs house.

Everyone comes bolting out of their rooms and into Demi's.

Her body, it's so, still, dead-like. We're all crying and have no idea what to do with ourselves. We're all crying, and I gain the courage to take the bloody razor from her hand with my shaking hand. I notice the razor has a pink rhinestoned 'KJ' in the corner. Kylie gave this razor to her. I remember her stylist showing me the note Kylie left with razor attached. I'm going to keep this information to myself for now, I'll tell others later, but if Khloé found out it would crush her knowing her sister played apart of this.

The paramedics come racing in and her fragile little body is carried off into the ambulance. Everyone piles into 2 separate cars and races to the hospital.

When we arrive at the hospital, we go to the main desk and ask for her room number.
Receptionist-"Sorry, they are in there with her now, you may wait in the waiting room and a doctor will come to you about her condition later on."

We sit down and we are all a wreck. The paps got shots of us going into the hospital, so there's gonna be news and theories about this.

Khloé goes to the bathroom and I gain the courage to speak up.
KC-"G-guys, D-Dems stylist gave me a note she found that had fallen out of Demi's toiletry bag." I give Simon the more and they all crowed around his as he reads it out loud.

S-"'I thought you might want this for your dirty little secret, well not so secret anymore. Thank me later.
Kylie J xoxo'"
KC-"A-and I picked up the r-razor she used and it had 'KJ' embroidered in small print in the corner in pink rhinestones."
B-"Khloé won't be able to handle knowing her sister played a part in this.."
We hear a voice,
Kh-"My sister? What?"

We explain it to Khloé, and she is heartbroken.

**Khloé's POV**


She's fucked up my life. I need to phone my mom.

*On Call*
Kr-"Koko? What is it?"
Kh-"I-it's Demi, she tried to commit s-su-sui-"
Kr-"Suicide?!" She says in a small voice really concerned.
Kr-"Me, Kim and Kourt are going to get on a plane right now see you later, stay strong Khlo."

I get off the phone and walk back into the room. Everyone looks at me but I just look away and sit with my head in my hands crying. I feel arms around me and I look to see Kelly R who is also crying. We see a doctor approaching us,

Dr-"Family and or friends of miss Lovato?"
S-"Yeah, that's us."
Dr-"We would like to confirm that she is alive and breathing, we can't promise anything, but it's looking good right now, she is stable." We all feel a slight weight being lifted off our shoulders.

S-"Guys, I don't think we should chuck her back into the real world immediately, she might just try 'this' again. I know we've been against the idea saying she's too young, but I think it's the best for her. I think we need to check her into rehab."

As much as we all want to try and fight against it, we know it's necessary.

S-"Timberline Knolls. I'm going to pay for her stay there."

**Simons POV**
We stay in and out the hospital for the next 4 days, we are sitting in the hospital because we were told the doctor wanted to speak with us..

Dr-"So, she is awake. She is currently being tube fed because she refused to eat and she couldn't have the medication because she was so underweight. She was at 78 pounds, which is so dangerous she could have died. We've been keeping a close eye on her for the past few days and we think she can leave later today. I've been told to recommend some treatment centr-"
S-"Thank you, I've got that covered. We're sending her to Timberline Knolls."
Dr-"You May go and see her."

We swiftly walk into the room, worried about what we might see. We see the heartbreaking scene of Demi lying in a hospital bed with tubes for food and blood.
S-"H-hey Dem."
D-"I'm so sorry."
KR-"Don't be sorry, it's not your fault."
D-"You've been wasting your time waiting for me to wake up after me being so selfish and not thinking about how this would effect you."
KC-"Dem, we got the choice for if we wanted to stay here or not. And we chose to don't feel guilty."
D-"Do you guys know what all of these tubes are?" She's not gonna react well to this,
S-"These few are for blood, and this is, uhh, a feeding tube."
D-"What! No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. P-please no." She's hugged by Britney, Khloé, Kelly C and Kelly R.

S-"Dem, we need to tell you something. We have made the decision to sent you to Timberline Knolls when you get out of here."

She takes a deep breath,

"I know."

Guys! This is the end of the book! I promise I'll be putting out a new book soon, it will be based around the X Factor as well.

I want to thank you for all the support I've received from this story and I wouldn't have been motivated to continue if it wasn't for you guys. I'm gonna go before I start crying even more, I can't believe I finally finished! I love you guys so much thank you🥺🥰😘

Anddddd go check out my new story🥰

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