~Chapter 2 - Starting Year One.~

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You waved to your parents though the window of the train as it started to move. It was your first year at Hogwarts and you couldn't be more excited. You sat down in the compartment, smiling. The compartment held a few kids, two of them were twins. The red hair gave them away, but you really didn't mind the Weasley's. What you did mind was what they talked about, but not in a bad way.

"I can't believe we saw Harry Potter!" One of the twins said. You had heard of Harry Potter. Your parents were Death Eaters and they told you to stay away from him but you didn't know why. Voldemort is dead and you never liked hurting people anyway.

"Hey, did you hear about Harry Potter being on the train?" You heard and looked, seeing of the twins looking at you. You nodded.

"Yeah. I couldn't help but over-hear I just didn't want to be rude." You said. They smiled and both held their hands out.

"I'm Fred." "And I'm George." They said one after the other. You smiled, crossing your arms and shook their hands. They laughed a bit.

"A joker, are you?" Fred asked. You nodded.

"Guilty. My parents hate it though. They said I should be a lady." You said and made a disgusted face. They laughed.

"We hear you. What's your name?" George asked.

"(y/n) (l/n)." You said. They frowned.

"(l/n), like the Death Eaters?" Fred said. You gripped your pants tightly. You knew this was going to come up after the names of the Death Eaters were announced in the Daily Profit.

"Only my parents. I never wanted to join, and I was too young to get the mark." You answered truthfully. They looked at each other before looking back at you.

"Prove it." they said together. You moved your arm to show your inner left forearm. It was blank. They looked and smiled. Fred held his hand out again.

"Good to know." He said with a smile. You smiled and shook it but felt electricity. You jumped a bit and saw Fred and George both laughing. Fred showed you a small black butter on his finger.

"It's a muggle device we swiped from our father. It's used for pranks." George said. You smiled and laughed; happy they weren't mad. You blushed a bit and looked, seeing the compartment was now just the three of you.

"What house are you guys in?" You asked. They smiled.

"Gryffindor." They announced. You smiled.

"Are you a first year? What house do you want to get in?" George asked. You shrugged.

"Not sure. I think I will let the hat decide for me." You said. They nodded.

"Well, whatever house you are in." "Let's continue to be friends OK." Fred said, the George. You nodded.

"Definitely." You said and a knock came. You stood and it was the trolley lady. You got three boxes of Bertie Botts every flavor bean.

"Hey, let's play a game. Rules are you must pick a random bean. You spit it out, you lose. Winner gets...Well I'm not sure, maybe your address so i can owl you guys. What do you guys want if you win?" You asked. They looked at each other and smiled.

"A pranking war!" They said. You smiled.

"That sounds like fun." You said. You soon regretted that. Fred and George won every round.

"How!" You said, spitting up a bogie flavored bean. They smiled.

"We are used to all the flavor." Fred said. You pouted.

"You cheated." You said. George waved his finger.

"No, we didn't. We just didn't tell you." George said. You sighed.

"Fine. A planking war does sound like fun." You said. You had a few tricks up your sleeves. They smiled and looked.

"We will be there soon. Let's get changed into our robes." Fred said. You nodded and they left as you changed. When they changed and you stood in front of the door, you saw Draco. You waved at him, walking over. He had been for friend for a while because your family's wealth was near his.

"Hey Draco. I forgot you were starting this year also." You said. He smiled at you. He always was nice to you.

"I didn't. Where were you? Not hanging out with Potter, right?" He asked. You shook your head. Draco always followed what his father did.

"No, just some twins." You said. You knew that if you said Weasley, he would try and same you shouldn't hang out with poor family. You both heard a knock come from the door.

"Cool. Well I hope to see you in Slytherin." He said and walked back into his compartment. You knew he would be in Slytherin, just like his father. You walked back and saw George opening the door.

"Come back in." He said. You nodded and walked in.

"You OK?" Fred asked. You nodded.

"Yeah, just saw a friend who was also starting." You said and saw the train slowing. Fred and George walked with you until they had to leave. They rest of the time was a mix between excitement and nervousness. You finally snapped out of it when your name was called. You walked up and sat on the chair. the sorting hat was placed on your head and you were shocked to hear a voice.

All Jokes aside (Fred and George x Reader) | CompleteWhere stories live. Discover now