Chapter 46 - The Second Task.

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You were sitting with Fred and George. The second task was coming up in a few days. 

"So nothing has gone missing?" George asked. You shook your head.

"No. Nothing." You answered. Fred smiled.

"Maybe it's something you need for the last task, like with the egg." Fred said. You nodded with a smile. 

"Your night." You said and saw Draco and Pansy. You waved at them. They waved back and walked over. 

"Hey (y/n)." Pansy said. You smiled. Over the last few months, you have grown closer to Pansy and Draco. 

"Hey. How are you guys?" You asked. 

"Good, but you seem oddly relaxed." Draco asked. You shrugged. 

"The thing they took must be the clue for the last task. I'm not really worried about it." You said. They smiled and you all started to talk.

"So, the next task will be under water, right?" Pansy asked. You nodded. 

"How you going to do it?" Draco asked. You held up a vial. 

"Gillyweed. I asked Snape for it." You said and put it away. 

"Smart. You will breath under water that way." Draco said. You nodded and continued to talk and before you knew it, it was the day before the task. You were walking with Fred and George when Professor McGonagall walked up to you. 

"(y/n)." She said. You smiled at her. 

"George, may I see you in my office please?" She asked. You all frowned. 

"I didn't do anything." He said. McGonagall smiled.

"Just follow me." She said. George sighed, waved and followed her. 

"What do you think she wants with him?" You asked. Fred shrugged. 

"I don't know." He said. You heard the worry in his voice. You took his hand in yours. 

"Hey. It will be OK." You said. He nodded. 

~The next day~

You walked down to the docks and heard Fred shouting. 

"George! George!" He shouted. He sounded frantic. You ran down. 

"Fred?" You asked. He looked at you, running up and grabbed you but your shoulders. 

"I can't find George!" Fred said. He looked like he was crying. You also became worried.

"Fred, you don't think..." You stopped and looked at the lake, as did Fred. 

"(y/n)." Fred said and you took his hand. 

"I will get him back." You said. He nodded and you both went to the starting point. You knew what you had to do and barley listened to Dumbledore. You heard the canon and eat the Gillyweed before jumping in. You felt gills growing and your hands and feet became wedded. You started to swim and soon you saw him. It was George. You swam up and undid the knot. You saw Victor getting Hermione and Fleur got her sister but you swam faster and breached the water first. You looked at George, who was breathing just fine.

"What happened?" George asked. You hugged him before moving him to the docks. Fred helped him up and hugged him. 

"I was so worried!" Fred yelled. You had to stay in the water until the Gillyweed worn off but you could hear everything. George hugged him back.

"It's OK brother. I'm not going anywhere." George said. You smiled at that and felt the Gillyweed wearing off as you got out of the water. 

"In third place, we have Fleur. In second, Victor and in first, (y/n)." Dumbledore said. Cheers erupted when your name was announced and Fred and George hugged you. You smiled and hugged them back. 

"The next task will be held in a month. In a week, we will let the champions know what it is but for now, we will return to shore and get warmed up." Dumbledore said. You sat with Fred and George who held you close. You smiled. You knew Fred was worried about loosing George but the way they held you made you think that they were afraid of loosing you also. 

"Fred, George, I'm not going anywhere." you said. They looked at you. 

"We know." They said and held you tighter. You smiled at that and closed your eyes. You were happy to be in the arms of the men you loved.        


All Jokes aside (Fred and George x Reader) | CompleteWhere stories live. Discover now