Chapter 9 - Christmas at home Part one.

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A few months have pasted and you were getting read to go home for Christmas. You always spent it with your family and the other day you found out that Draco always was heading home. You walked out of your common room with your luggage and into the great hall, seeing Fred and George.

"Hey you guys." You said, giving them a hug. Draco had lead up a bit, but was still a bit nerous with you hanging around with anyone.

"Hey (y/n), take a look over there." They said and pointed to Ron, their younger bother. You looked and saw him grab his cup, but it slipped from his hands, spilling on the table. You laughed.

"A classic slipping spell right?" You asked. They nodded, still laughing. You gave them both a highfive.

"You guys heading home this year?" You asked. They shook there heads. You nodded.

"Well then I will give you both these now." You said and handed them both a box. One was red with gold ridden, the other was gold with red ridden. Inside was a new can of broom polish, but they would also get a face full of glitter. You wished you would see them open it but you know letters would be sent. They smiled a bit.

"That means your going home?" Fred asked. You nodded.

"Well we will miss you but here." George said and both Fred and George handed you a box. You smiled and looked. Both were blue and black, but one had a bow, the other didn't. The boxes were about the same size as yours. The one with the bow was from Fred.

"Thanks guys." You said, putting them in your luggage. You then felt a tap on your shoulder and turned, seeing Draco.

"Hey, ready to go?" Draco asked. You nodded.

"Yeah. See you guys when I get back." You said, waving.

"See you in a few weeks." They said and waved. You walked with Draco but he was being more quiet they normal. You tried to talk to him, but he didn't say a word, that was until you got on the train. You had your own compartment.

"(y/n)?" Draco said. You looked at him.

"Draco can talk. Whats up." You said laughing a bit. Draco didn't laugh, he looked nervous and handed you a small box that could fix in your hand. You took it a smiled.

"Thank you Draco, hold on, I have a gift for you too." You said and stood, but he took your hand. You looked at him, sitting down again.

"Draco?" You asked. He blushed.

"It's not a Christmas gift. It's a now gift." He said. You blushed and smiled.

"Thank you." You said and opened it. Inside the box was a silver bracelet with the green letters 'I love you' etched into it. You looked at him. He smiled, taking it out and put it on you. It fit perfectly.

"Draco." You said. He rubbed the back of his head.

"I thought you might like it." He said. you hugged and kissed his cheek."

"Thank you." You said. You couldn't wait to show it to Fred and George.

All Jokes aside (Fred and George x Reader) | CompleteWhere stories live. Discover now