Chapter 59 - The Night Before School.

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You flopped on the bed at the shop. You had just returned from France yesterday and got all your school supplies today. You had a smile on your face but it grew when you felt Fred and George get on either side of you. 

"(y/n)." They said. Your smile fades and you sat up, looking at them. They looked sad and their voice held sadness. 

"Whats up?" You asked. They sat up and sighed. 

"We have a bad feeling." Fred said. 

"Like something is going to happen to you." George said. You smiled, reaching over and took their hands in your, giving them a light squeeze.

"I will be OK. Draco and Pansy are still at school." You said. They smiled, nodding a bit and pulled you in. They hugged you, making a (y/n) sandwich with you in the middle. You smiled and cuddled into it. 

"I love you guys." You said. 

"And we love you." They said together. They moved and laid in the bed, covering up in the blankets. You had to leave tomorrow for school and wanted to spend the night, cuddling the men you loved most in the world.         

"So, this bad feel. When did you start to feel it?" You asked. The looked at you. 

"Well, with the thought of you going to school." George said. 

"It just feels like something...well...someone will steal you away from us." Fred said. You gave a small laugh. 

"Like that would even happen. Nothing can tear me away from you guys." You said. They smiled and held you closer, falling asleep. You closed your eyes, falling into a deep sleep, feeling the warmth of their bodies and the arms around you.     

All Jokes aside (Fred and George x Reader) | CompleteWhere stories live. Discover now