Chapter 49 - Home

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You sat on the train with Draco, Pansy, Fred and George, laughing at one the the jokes Fred told. 

"So, You guys going to come see the shop?" You asked Draco and Pansy. They nodded. 

"Definitely." Pansy said. You smiled but saw Draco frown and hold Pansy closer to him. You also saw he wasn't laughing at any jokes that were being told. 

"Draco?" You asked. He looked at you and you saw worry in his eyes. You knew why. 

"Draco, this plan will work." You said. Pansy took his hand in hers. 

"What if it doesn't? What if they hurt Pansy or Fred or George?" Draco asked. You smiled at him.

"They won't. Trust me." You said. He nodded, moving pansy into his lap. You smiled. 

"So, I'm guessing you don't want to live with your father anymore right?" You asked. Draco nodded. The twins smiled. 

"Good. We know a place that has two rooms vacant." George said. Draco looked at them. 

"Where?" He asked but George just smiled.

"We already talked to them. Don't worry, you will knew soon." Fred said. Draco sighed and nodded as the train started to slow before stopping. You looked, seeing your mother and father with Lucius. 

"It's now or never. You ready Draco?" You asked. He nodded and took your hand in his, like planed. When you walked out, you  saw them smiling and walked up to you and Draco. 

"See Cupcake?" Your father asked. You nodded and let go of Draco's hand. 

"Draco and I talked. We decided that we will complete school, then die with the ones that we love next to us." You said. His face fell. 

"What?" He shouted. 

"It's true. (y/n) and I will not be making a baby. We will not make a new dark lord and we will both die when we graduate." Draco said, taking Pansy's hand and you took the twins hands. 

"No...No!" He shouted. 

"Draco if you do this you will not be allowed home!" Lucius said. 

"That's perfectly fine. He and Pansy both are welcome at our house." You heard Molly say and looked. She was behind you. You smiled. That's what the twins meant. You looked back and saw Lucius looking shocked.

"Sorry Mr. and Mrs. (l/n), but I will never help you. Draco and I will die and you will never have a new dark lord." You said and walked away with the twins. You heard your mother cry out but it only made you smiled. You looked, seeing Draco, Pansy and the other Weasley's following you.

"Come on guys! Now that Fred and I can use magic out side of school, We can bring Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes to life!" George said. You all walked and saw the shop. Fred and George looked at each other, before taking your hands, looking at the shop and waved their wands. It transformed into the shop they had always dreamed and pictured. On the front showed Fred, lifting a hat to show a rabbit, only for it to be gone on the next lift. Fred and George wrapped an arm around your waist. 

"Our home." They said and you smiled with a nod. 



All Jokes aside (Fred and George x Reader) | CompleteWhere stories live. Discover now