~Chapter 67 - Starting Year Seven~

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You looked at Fred and George. They were re-reading the same letter the Snape had sent them and the letter that Molly had sent them, but didn't let you read it. They were sitting on the bed and you had just finished packing.  

"Come on guys! I leave for Hogwarts soon." You said. It was early, but you wanted to make sure your last year was a good year. No hiccups so you wanted to go to the train early.

"Sorry (y/n), but it looks like we are going to." Fred said. You looked at them.  

"What?" You asked. They smiled. 

"Meet your Defense Against the Dark Arts Teachers!" They said. You laughed. 

"Right, sure." You said and turned but Fred pulled you into is lap, placing his head on your right shoulder as he held you. George got up and looked at you. 

"We are telling the truth. That's what Snape's letter said and Mom wants us to behave. We told him we will only do it for just one year, that way when you graduate, its back to what we love." George said.    

"Yeah. Our shop is number one, but we would never say no to the Head Master." Fred said. you sighed but smiled. 

"OK, OK. Can we go then?" You asked. They smiled and nodded. 

"Sure." They said and soon you found yourself on the train, Fred, George, Pansy and Draco all in the compartment with you, laughing and joking. 

~At Hogwarts~  

"Welcome Students." Snape said after the sorting ceremony. Fred and George were sitting at the staff table, but what you found odd were other's, including Molly, Arthur, Lupin, Moody, Sirius and a few others you didn't know. 

"As you can see, we have some new faculty. Please welcome your new Defencne Against the Dark Arts teachers, Fred and Geroge Weasley." Snape said and they stood. The place erupted in cheers. 

"Settled down!" Snape yelled and the hall grew quiet.

"I also hired some new faculty to help around the school. If you have a question, why can help you." Snape said, gesturing to Molly and the others. They waved but you could have sworen your saw Arthur mouth '...they buy it.' You new something was up and they didn't want to students to worry. 

~Two weeks later~

You yawned as you walked to the great hall. You didn't sleep well. You had a bad feeling but didn't know what. You sat at your table and started to eat. You looked around and saw Fred and George laughing at the staff table. You smiled. Their class was fun, but they made sure to keep everyone on their toes. You looked around. 

'Finally, a normal year.' You thought. You then heard an Explosion. Students started to scream but the staff ran out. A few moments later, Snape walked in. 

"Everyone! Stay in here! They school is under attack!" Snape yelled. Your eyes grew wide.   

All Jokes aside (Fred and George x Reader) | CompleteWhere stories live. Discover now