Chapter 15 - The Station and the Burrow

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You were sitting with Fred and George but what Draco said was still on your mind.

"Hey guys?" You asked. They looked at you.

"Yeah?" "Whats up" Fred asked, then George. You thought about asking them about it, but changed your mind.

"Whats your family like?" You asked. Draco might have been trying to scare you and all you needed was a good distraction.

"Loud, poor, friendly, honest, but most of all, loving." They both said. You smiled. they oppisite of your family.

"Sounds wonderful." You said and felt the train starting to slowdown.

"We are here. I'll get your things." Fred said and left. You stood but George grabbed your hand. You looked at him.

"Why have you been so quiet?" George asked. You wanted to tell him, tell them both, but you knew you couldn't.

"Sorry, I'm nervous about meeting your family." You lied. George nodded and stood, getting his and Fred's trunk down. You helped a bit and walked out with him, seeing Fred with yours. You walked off and saw your parents. You looked at them.

"Guys, I have to tell my mother and father." You said. They nodded and you walked over to them.

"Good, at least you made the right decision. Come cupcake." Your father said. You shook your head.

"I'm going with Fred and George for the whole summer." You said. They looked shocked.

"Sweetie. Think about this." Your mother said.

"I have mother." You said. Your father raised his hand, but a cane stopped him from slapping you. It was Lucius.

"Let her go (fathers name)." Lucius said. Your father lowered his hand.

"Do not tell me how to raise my child." He said. Lucius leaned in and whispered something you couldn't hear into your father ear. Your father smiled.

"Alright. Go." He said. You ran off, seeing Fred and George waving at you. you waved and ran over. You saw a women with them who looked like them.

"Is this her?" She asked. They both nodded and the women hugged you. It felt warm and nice.

"Hello dear (y/n)." She said and released you.

"I'm Molly Weasley but you can just call me Molly. Come, lets all head to the car." Molly asked. you followed them and saw them get into a small, blue Ford Anglia. A man was helping them get the trunks in as Fred, George, Ron, Percy and Molly all got into it. You followed them and saw it was enchanted to be bigger on the inside. The man then got in the front.

"Alright, everyone in? Good lets who are you?" The man asked. You smiled a bit.

"Dad, this is (y/n), remember she's staying with us this summer." Fred said. The man nodded.

"Arthur, Did you forget that." Molly asked. Arthur laughed and started to car and drove.

"I didn't know you guys had a car." You said. Molly sighed.

"Yes, fascinating muggle technology." Arthur said.

"It gets better." Fred said. You were confused when you heard Arthur said no muggles around and hit a button. You smiled a bit as the car started to fly.

"You have a flying car!" You said in excitement. Fred and George laughed a bit. With the flying car, you soon saw a large shack. It looked like rooms have been added on top of it over the years.

"Welcome to the Burrow." Percy said. You smiled. It was awesome. Once you landed you quickly got out of the car and looked around. They had a big yard and the house looked like a few shacks stacked on each other.

"Your house looks awesome!" You said. You heard Molly laugh.

"Well I wouldn't say awesome, but it is home." She said. You looked at her before giving her a hug.

"Thank you for letting me stay here." You said. She smiled and hugged you.

"Your very welcome. Fred, George, help your father and bothers with the trucks. Come deary. I will show you around." Molly said. You looked over at Fred and George, who waved at you to go. you smiled and followed Molly, who was telling you about her home.

All Jokes aside (Fred and George x Reader) | CompleteWhere stories live. Discover now