Chapter 62 - Favor.

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"Lemon Sherbet!" You yelled. The Gargoyle started to turn, making stairs and you ran up them, frantically knocking on his door.  

"Enter." You heard and ran in, out of breath. 

"(y/n), what is wrong?" He asked. You wanted to tell him, but all that came out were sods. You fell to the floor and cried. Dumbledore walked up to you. 

"(y/n), tell me what happened." He said in a stern voice. You looked at him. 

"David...David assaulted me!" You yelled. It wasn't in anger. It was from fear and stress. Dumbledore helped you to your feet and into a chair. He then walked to his desk and waved his wand. 

"How did you do it (y/n)?" He asked. You told him everything, from the very begin. When you finished, a knock came in. You looked when Dumbledore said come in. It was Hagrid. 

"Professor Dumbledore sir." Hagrid said. 

"Ah, Hagrid. Please come in." Dumbledore said. Hagrid walked in. 

"Hagrid, I need you to do me a favor." He asked. Hagrid looked worried. 

"Anything sir. anything at all." Hagrid said. Dumbledore smiled. 

"I need you to follow a Mr. David Smith in (your house). He is harassing some students and needs to have a sharp eye to watch him. If he tries anything else, he will be expelled." Dumbledore said. Hagrid nodded and walked out. you looked at Dumbledore. 

"Why cant you expel him now?" You asked. Dumbledore frowned. 

"I would like to, but David has never done anything like this before. I will have Hagrid fallow him and for the mean time, you will stay in the Head girl compartment. I have already asked McGonagall to talk to her, and she was alright with it. Go one. McGonagall is jsut out side the door." Dumbledore said. You stood and walked out, seeing McGonagall. She lead you to the room and walked in. You crawled into bed, falling asleep with nightmares. 

~Three Days Before Christmas Break~ 

Hagrid had kept David from you. He had tried to grab you the next day, but Hagrid stopped him. You only stayed in the head girls dorm for three nights before you felt safe enough to sleep in the dorms again but were more excited to see Fred and George again. You have sent them letter about whats happened and whats has been happening and they had to you they had a special surprise for you when you got home. You walked into your last class for the winter and saw Pansy. 

"(y/n)!" Pansy said and waved. You waved back and walked over to her, sitting down. Draco did not have this class. 

"So, any idea what the twins have planed?" She asked. You laughed and shook your head. 

"No, but I can't wait to see them again." You said. You didn't want her to worry because Draco and Pansy were both coming home also, but so was David. You saw him write his name down right after you wrote yours.

He was still following you.    


All Jokes aside (Fred and George x Reader) | CompleteWhere stories live. Discover now