Chapter 57 - News.

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Students started to fill the great hall. You were talking with a few of your dorm mates when Dumbledore stood and the room became silent. 

"Welcome back from your holiday break. I hope you all enjoyed yourselves. I have some news to give out." Dumbledore said. The room was so quiet you could hear a pin drop. 

"First, Umbridge has been removed from Hogwarts. She was threatening some of our students and that is not allowed." He said. Cheers erupted in the great hall. Fred, George, Draco, Pansy and yourself being some of the loudest. Dumbledore smiled, waiting for us to die down. 

"Settle down, settle down." Dumbledore said. Everyone grew quiet, but had smiles on their faces. 

"Secondly, as she was our Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher, I can see no other person qualified to take over then Professor Snape." Dumbledore said. There were less cheers, but still cheers. You were clapping. 

"What about Potions?" A female, third year Hufflepuff student yelled. Dumbledore smiled. 

"Well, as I can not perform the duties of a potions master, i will find a new one fore next year and as for this year..." Dumbledore paused and smiled.   

"Everyone will pass." He continued. Cheers erupted once more. This time Dumbledore did not quiet everyone down, but he wasn't smiling anymore. You stopped clapping and soon, the room grew quiet as they saw he wasn't smiling.  

"With all this happiness, it pains me to say the next and final news." Dumbledore said. You had a bad feeling. 

"A few months ago, I visited Madam Pomfrey. She let me know that my age has final caught up to me and as such, next year will be my last, and final year as headmaster." Dumbledore said. You tried not to sod, but you heard others letting out the sods. 

"My dear students, I so not wish to see your eyes wet. I only wish to see your smiling faces as I walk around these halls. I want to hear your stories from home, and from your classes. Here, a muggle joke I once heard to get you all to smile. Three muggles walked into a bar, you think they would have seen it." Dumbledore said. A few students let out a chuckle, but almost everyone smiled, inducing you. 

"There we are. No frowns, only smiles." He said before sitting down. You looked over at the twins. You saw then writing something down. you looked over at Pansy and Draco. He was holding a still crying Pansy but he was rubbing her back and petting her head to help calm her down. This news went for happy to sad in a blink of an eye.     

All Jokes aside (Fred and George x Reader) | CompleteWhere stories live. Discover now