~Chapter 60 - Starting Year Six~

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You waved to Fred and George as the train started to go. Draco and Pansy were also waving. You then sat down and sighed, a frown on your face. 

"Hey, It will be OK. You will see them at Christmas and over the summer also." Draco said. Pansy nodded. 

"And then its only one more year. You also have us."  Pansy said. You smiled. 

"Your right." You said and got up, hugging them both. 

"Thanks guys." You  said and soon the compartment was filled with laughter and smiles that lasted until you arrived at school. After the sorting ceremony, Dumbledore stood. You saw he was moving a bit slower then last time.   

"Welcome students, new and old. It is my pleasure to announce the new potions professor, Horace Slughorn." Dumbledore said. The room clapped as Slughorn stood. Dumbledore waited for everyone to settle down.  

"I am also please to announce that next year, our own Professor Snape will be the Head master. McGonagall wishes to teach a few more years of transfiguration before settling down as Head Mistress." Dumbledore. Loud cheers came from the Slytherin's table, but everyone did clap. 

"And to celebrate all this news, our feast." Dumbledore said and waved his hand. The tables suddenly filled with food. You smiled and started to eat but then felt someone sit by you. You looked. It was a boy. You recognized him as a seventh year in your house. He has short, brown hair and big, brown eyes.  

"Hey there." He said. You got a bad feeling, but maybe you were just tried. 

"Hi." You said. He held a hand out. 

"The names David, David Smith." He said. You took his hand and shook it. 

"(y/n)." You said. He smiled and let your hand go. 

"OH, I know. You were going out with the twins." He said. 

"I still am." You said with a bit of force. He leaned in a bit close to you. 

"Not after you get a taste of me, you won't." He whispered and kissed your cheek before moving away. Your mouth dropped open. you looked over at Draco and Pansy, but they were eating and didn't see anything. You took out a parchment, writing a note to Fred and George.

Fred, George. 

You were right. 

Some guy named David Smith in my house just told me I would leave you for him and then he kissed my cheek. 

I don't know what to do, can you send me some Skiving Snackbox? I feel like it will be my only defense if Draco and Pansy aren't around. They will help me, but I still want someone on my at all times. Take it from my paycheck. 

I love you guys. I always will.  


You rolled the letter up and ran out of the room, up to the owlery. You attached it to one of the school's owls and sent it off. 

"Well I knew my kiss was special, but to send a brake up letter so soon to them? I'm impressed." You heard and turned, seeing David. He was leaning on the door frame, blocking the exit. His smile made you sick.     

~A/N~ David is just an OC in case you were wondering. 

All Jokes aside (Fred and George x Reader) | CompleteWhere stories live. Discover now