Chapter 63 - A Christmas to Remember

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You ran and hugged Fred and George. They held you tight. 

"(y/n)!" They said. You smiled and left them both kiss your cheeks. 

"How are you guys?" You asked. They let you go but took your hands. 

"Better, now that we know your save." Fred said. You smiled. 

"Safe from who?" You heard and looked. It was David. George looked at him. 

"You must be David." George said. David nodded. 

"Leave are girl alone." Fred shouted. David smiled and chuckled. 

"Your girl? You mean mine." David said and walked away. Fred and George growled a bit.  

"Guys, let it go. Hagrid is watching him at school and I have both of you guys here. He can't do anything." You said. They sighed, nodded and started to walk. 

"So, we have something special for you on Christmas." George said. You smiled.

"I'm happy to hear it. I need something happy to take my mind off everything. OH, Hows the shop doing?" You asked. They smiled. 

"It's popular and we even got the Ministry of Magic's attention with or newest product." Fred said. 

"It's shield hats and cloaks." George said. You smiled. 

"How did you manage that?" You asked. 

"Shield charm." They said. You thought about that. 

"Why not try gloves also?" You asked. The twins looked at each other. 

"Why didn't we think of that?" George asked.

"Well, you thought of the cloaks, myself the hats, I guess we needed the final piece to complete it." Fred said and kissed your cheek. You blushed before smiling, walking into the shop. You felt at home. You saw a Christmas tree. You walked up, placing two gifts under it. You then felt Geroge and Fred hug you. 

"We love you." They said together. 

"And I you." You said. 


You woke to the twins cuddling you, still sleeping. You smiled, not wanting to move as you watched them sleep. You watched as their eyes fluttered open and they smiled at you. 

"Morning." They said. 

"Morning." You said and gave each on a kiss. They cuddled you for a bit before you each got up, took a shower and got dressed. You started breakfast as George was in the shower and Fred was making the bed. Once George was out and dressed, he set the table. 

"So, I was thinking we could open the gifts later tonight, maybe go walk around in the snow first?" George asked. Fred nodded, swallowing the food in his mouth. 

"I like that idea. We have all the food tonight for dinner, we can do it after we eat." Fred said. You giggled. 

"Sure, lets do that." You said. You all finished eating and did the dishes before heading out. 

"It's so pretty." You said as you watched the snow fall. Fred and George were holding your hands.

"Your prettier." They said. You blushed at that. You walked around for about an hour before heading back. You cooked dinner and ate. Before you knew it, you were sitting by the tree and handed the twins your gifts. It wasn't much, just some quills with an enactment on it to spell any word correctly. They smiled and they each handed you a small box. You opened them and inside you saw a ring with a circle on it. You looked at them. 

"Put it on your ring finger." Fred said. You did and the two circles became the infinity syllable. You smiled and looked at the twins but they had moved from a sit potion, to kneeing on one knee.

"(y/n), will you marry us?" They asked together. Your mouth dropped. You then moved and hugged them both.

"Yes!" You shouted. Tears of joy were streaming down your face as you held them. They held you back. 

"That's only part one of the gift." George whispered into your ear.

"The other part is us...If you will have us." Fred whispered. You moved and bit and looked at them. They were blushed a lot. You know what they meant. You smiled and kissed them both.

"I would only want you." You said. They kissed you. 

That night the bed went unused as you spent it with Fred and George, under the tree.             


All Jokes aside (Fred and George x Reader) | CompleteWhere stories live. Discover now