Chapter 25 - Question.

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"Sure." You said. You assumed it was about your attack. They looked at each other before stopping and looked at you. 

"Don't ever go back home." Fred said. 

"We plan on asking mom later, but will you live with us?" George asked. Your mouth dropped. 

"Please?" They said together. You closed your mouth and smiled. 

"We have to ask your mom first." You answered. They looked sad. You wanted nothing more then to tell them yes. they tightened their grip on your hands and started to walk again. Your mind was racing. You didn't plan on going home again and you had enough money for a small house but would the school allow that? You felt them release your hand and sat at the Gryffindor table. You walked to yours and sat at the only available seat. You sighed and started to eat. You didn't realize how hungry you were. 

The rest of the school year wasn't bad. Fred and George where with you all the time and soon you found yourself on the train, with a scared Fred and George. 

"We forgot to ask mom!" They shouted. You laughed. They meant to ask her a while ago, but the three of you started to draw new blueprints for Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes. They wanted to include your name, but you told them that it was still their store and you wouldn't allow it. In the end they came up with Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes and it stuck. 

"It's OK guys. I'm stay this year anyway so we have time." You said. They sighed and nodded. You smiled and took out a box of Bertie Bott's Every Flavour Beans. They smiled. 

"What does the winner get this time?" They asked. You smiled. 

"Whatever they want." You said. You know you would win this time. You had changed the beans to changed flavors in the mouth. A simple spell really.

But in the end...

You still lost. 

"Dammit!" You shouted. The twins highfived. You sighed. 

"OK, OK what do you want?" You asked. They smiled at you. 

"A kiss on the cheek!" They announced. You blushed a bit but smiled. You kissed Fred's left cheek and Georges right cheek. you moved, seeing them blushing. 

"Um, (y/n)?" They asked. You looked at them. 

"Yeah?" You asked them back. They seemed nervous but the train slowed down and stopped before they could ask you what they wanted to. They helped you with your luggage and you walked off with them. You saw both your mother and father but you didn't wave to them. You didn't even walk up to them. You followed Fred and George to Molly and Arthur. 

"Hello my dear." Molly said, hugging you. You hugged back. 

"(y/n)!" You heard. It was your father. You turned to him. He was walking up to you, along with your mother

"Yes Mr. (l/n)?" You said. They both stopped and anger filled their eyes. 

"That is father to you." He said. you shook your head. 

"No. After everything that's happened. I revoke my name." You said. Your mother gasped. Your father became livid, about to shout but Molly and Arthur stepped up.

"We will talk to her." Arthur said as Molly placed her hand on your back and you got into their car. Once everyone was in, Molly turned to you. You were in between Fred and George. 

"I'm so proud of you deary!" She said. You smiled. You were afraid she really was going to talk to you about it. 

"Good thing I made that modification on the house, huh Molly." Arthur said. 

"What modification?" Ron asked. Molly turned to look at him.

"Well (y/n)'s room of course. She can't always stay in Ginny's room when living here." She said. Your mouth dropped open. 

"Really mom?" Fred asked. She nodded and you felt Fred and George hug you laughing. 

"Mom, we were going to ask you if (y/n) could live with us." George said. Molly smiled. 

"Well, we have been working on her room for a while now. Ever since Dumbledore sent us that letter. Understand it's not much, just a bed and a dresser." Molly said. You looked at her. 

"What letter?" You asked. She looked at you.

"It was a while ago, the one with Draco hitting you and your family hitting you. I mean how can you hit your own children?" Molly said.

"You do it all the time mom." Ron said. Molly playful swatted him and Ron laughed. You laughed also. 

"Thank you. Your house felt more like a home to me anyway." You said. Molly smiled at you as Fred and George let you go as the car started to fly. You looked out, seeing your new home and saw a small potion was added. You got out and Molly showed you your new room. It wasn't big, around the size of Ginny's room but it was perfect for you. You started to unpack when a knock came. 

"Come in." You said. the door opened and Fred and George walked in. You smiled. 

"Hey guys." you said. They smiled, closing the door and sat on your bed. 

"(y/n), we have a question for you." Fred said. You nodded. 

"Sure, whats up?" You asked. They both sighed, looked at each other, nodded and looked at you. 

"Will you go out with us?" They both asked.    


All Jokes aside (Fred and George x Reader) | CompleteWhere stories live. Discover now