Chapter 26 - Answer

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Your mouth dropped. They both just asked you out. You wanted to say yes, but then memory's for Draco popped into your head. You were scared of being hurt by someone you loved.  

"I...I can't." You said, tears in your eyes. They sighed.

"Is it because of Draco?" Fred asked. You nodded. You hoped they would pick it up. They were very smart. Fred and George stood, giving you a hug. You hugged back, crying.

"We aren't him." And we never will be." George said, then Fred. You pulled away and looked at them, wiping your eyes. 

"It's not just that." You said. They looked confused. 

"How can I date just one of you when I like you both?" You asked. They smirked a bit. 

"So, you do like us." They both  said. You nodded.

"(y/n), we never said go out with me, we said go out with us." Fred said. 

"Because we share everything." George said. you didn't know what to do or say and in the silences, they each took of of your hands. 

"So what do you say?" They both said. You looked at them and smiled. 

"OK, but how can we make this work?" You asked. They both smiled and kissed your cheeks. You blushed. 

"Well, it will be the same as it always is, only holding hands and kissing." Fred said. You smiled at then then frowned. 

"Whats wrong?" George asked. They must have seen you frown. 

"Draco stole my first kiss." You said. You felt them squeeze your hands gentle.

"But he won't get any more." Fred said. 

"Now that your our girl." George said. You smiled at that and felt your heart skip a beat. It felt right when they said that. You heard a knock and the twins let your hands go. 

"Come in. you said, making sure your face was tear free. Molly opened the door.

"Come to dinner you guys. I have been calling you." Molly said. You nodded but she looked worried.

"Fred, George, why are (y/n)'s eyes red?" Molly asked. Fred and George were mumbling to themselves and you laughed a bit.

"They asked me out." You said. Fred and George both stopped talking in fear.

"OH? And who did you pick?" Molly asked. You rubbed the back of your neck. 

"Well, umm." You said, not sure what to say. You just realized how bad it would sound to say both. Molly crossed her arms and smiled.

"(y/n), I know my children. Fred and George have shared everything since birth. Come down to dinner, all of you." Molly said and left. You smiled. Molly was a gift. You then felt both Fred and George hug you from behind and kiss your cheeks.

"Well that went better then we thought." Fred said. You laughed, walking down to dinner with them.

"What do you mean they both are dating (y/n)?" You heard Arthur asked. You stopped, a bit nurvous now. They twins also stopped. You were just around the corner and could hear everything.

"I think its a good idea, (y/n) is perfect for them and They have liked her for a while now." Ginny said. You looked at the twins, who were blushed and looked away from you. you smiled. 

"Tell me about it. All they do is talk about her when she's not around." Ron said. You laughed a bit at that. 

"Well, if you think its OK. I just don't want them hurt. What if they become jealous of each other?" Arthur asked. You became worried at that. you hadn't thought of it.

"Arthur, Fred and George have never once been jealous of each other. I don't think they will start now." Molly said. You smiled and felt both the the twins grab your hands and came out from around the corner.

"Finally, sit down and we can start dinner." Molly said with a smile. You smiled, and sat in the middle of Fred and George. After dinner, you walked up with Fred and George to their room to talk about the blueprints. You figured with the three stories, space wouldn't be an issues.

"Hell, we could almost live there." George said. He and Fred laughed, but you put your hand under your chin. 

"That's not a bad idea, in a sense." You said looking at the blueprints. You took a pencil and drew a bed in the workshop where they could make and design new products. 

"In case one of us are to tired to go home?" You asked. You thought it was a good idea, but it was still down to them. Fred and George's laughter died down as they looked. 

"(y/n), that's brilliant." They said. You smiled and gave a slight yawn. 

"Why don't you lay down?" Fred asked. You were currently sitting on his bed, while they sat on George's and a table in between them. 

"I might take you up on that offer." You said. It was past midnight and the candles were making your eyes sore. You stretched and laid down, falling sleep almost instantly.              



All Jokes aside (Fred and George x Reader) | CompleteWhere stories live. Discover now