Chapter 33 - Train Ride.

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You were sitting on the train, compartment locked. You were scared that Draco would come and hurt you. Scared of your mother and father. 

"Why?" You asked yourself. You looked out the window, seeing the snow and for some reason, you remembered Fred and George. They told you that the gift they gave you would be at the train station, waiting for them. You smiled at that but a knock snapped you out of it. You looked, seeing Draco. 

"Open the door." Draco said. You shook your head. He growled and grabbed his wand. 

"Alohomora." He said and walked in. You backed up until your body was in the corner. He turned around, putting his wand away and sat across from you. 

"Relax, I'm not going to hurt you." He said as he looked at you. You made sure your wand was in your hand. 

"What do you want?" You asked. He sighed. 

"To give you a gift." He said. You glared at him. 

"Shove it up your ass." You shouted. He rolled his eyes. 

"It's not a physical gift. It's a warning. I didn't put your name back on that list. Your mother asked Crabbe to do it. You dumped me. It's taken a while to get used to that, but I have. I'm with Pansy right now. Been with her around three months." Draco said. You looked shocked at that. They did seem closer, now that you thought about it but you still didn't trust him. 

"How is that a warning?" You asked. Draco sighed. 

"Because they have a plan. I can't tell you want it is because I don't know, but what i do know is that it has to do with an unbreakable vow." Draco said. You looked at him. He seemed calmer, nicer. Like the old Draco. 

"You hate me, why tell me?" You asked. He smiled. 

"Pansy asked me to. She's really kind and sweet. I truly like her, more then you." Draco said. You laughed a bit, covering your mouth. He smiled. 

"So trust me or not, don't go with your family." He said and stood, walking out the compartment. You looked down. 

'Should I trust him? This could be another trick.' You thought. That question floated in your mind and by the time you realized it, you were at the station. You saw your mother and father. You felt your throat get tight in fear but grabbed your bag and walked off. 

"Cupcake!" Your father said with a smile, walking up to you. You took a step back. He stopped, frowning. 

"I'm not going with you!" You shouted. You decided to trust Draco this time. Your mother smiled. 

"Sweetie, you don't have a choice. The Weasley's are gone right now. Where will you stay?" Your mother said. You didn't say anything as you thought of different things. 

"With us!" You heard and looked. It was Fred and George, holding Brooms. They walked up to you and placed there hands on your shoulders.

"We have a place in our name and Dumbledore said that was fine." George said.

"Come on (y/n)." Fred said, taking your bag as George took your hand. They walked with you and you looked back, seeing their shocked faces. You also saw Draco smile, giving you a thumbs up. You smiled at him before looking at the twins. 

"How?" You asked. They looked at smiled at you. 

"Like we would send our girl to her doom." Fred said. 

"Plus now we can show you our gift." George said. You smiled. They walked with you into Diagon Alley. They walked up to the shop they wanted. You smiled. 

"Soon, right?" You asked. Last time you asked about it was a week ago. They only needed a hundred Galleons left to get. You had already given them your share.

"Nope." Geroge said. You looked sad but they were smiling. Fred held up an open scroll. It was a deed, no not a deed. It was The Deed. You mouth dropped. 

"Welcome to Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes." They said. You screamed and hugged them. 

"Are you kidding me!" You shouted. It wasn't a question because they would never joke like this.

"Nope. We wanted to wait until the end of the year to tell you, but now is as good as ever." George said. Fred held out a key for you. 

"Here. George gave them the money. I was handed the scroll. We want you to open the doors." Fred said. You took it, tears in your eyes. 

"Thank you." You said, walking up and put the key in the slot. 


The door fell off its hinges. 

"This places needs a lot of work." You all said at the same time before laughing.  


All Jokes aside (Fred and George x Reader) | CompleteWhere stories live. Discover now