Chapter 32 - Helping

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You woke up on that same couch. You quickly showered and changed before going down to the great hall. You sat at your table and ate before you felt two hands. It was Fred and George. You smiled and stood, walking with them. You also handed them back the map.

"But didn't you need it for next week?" They asked. You shook your head.

"No, turns out if figured out what I needed, thank you both though." You said. They took it with a nod but looked concerned before taking your hands in theirs. 

"(y/n). Are you OK?" Fred asked. You nodded but you knew you weren't. Lupin hated you and now would most likely want to keep you quiet. You shuddered at the thought of him doing that. 

"Hey, guys?" You asked. They looked at you. 

"Yeah." They asked back. 

"I'm glad I'm with you." You said. They smiled and kissed you on the lips, George went first this time. You blushed.

"Us too." They said. The bell rang and you walked to your class. You barley noticed them and soon, you saw that you were in Lupin's class. You were zoning in and out but you did see that he wasn't looking at you, but you had a feeling of eyes on you. You looked back and saw that Draco was sitting behind you, smiling at you. You looked foreword again, worried. 

"Miss (l/n)?" Lupin said. You flinched and looked.      

"Stay behind." He said and continued his lesson. You nodded but sighed. 

'Great.' You thought. When the bell rang, you took your time putting your books away and walked to his desk when everyone was gone. 

"Yes Professor?" You asked, nervous. He looked at you in the eyes. 

"Can you get us Scabber's?" He asked. You looked confused and Lupin sighed, taking out the map you gave to the twins. 

"I found this on Fred and George Weasley so I confiscated it." He said and opened the map, doing the spell and he pointed. You looked at him before looked at what he was pointing at. It showed Ron, Harry and Hermione in their class, but you also saw the name Peter Pettigew/Scabber's. Your mouth dropped. 

"Dumbledore told me that you once dated Draco, but dumped his and are now going out with the Weasley twins. At first I was shocked that you left a Molfoy for the Weasley twins, but them I remembered a saying from an old friend of mine. 'A name is just letters put together'. Now when I first saw you, I expected you to be like your mother and father, the ones that 'snitched' on Sirius." Lupin said, doing air quotes for snitched. You looked down. 

"But then after my talk with Dumbledore I remembered that quote. Will you help us (y/n)?" Lupin asked, using your first name for the first time. You looked up at him. You thought about it for a while but then the door busted open. You looked, seeing the twins. They looked worried. 

"(y/n)!" They shouted and ran over to you. 

"Are you OK?" They asked. You laughed a bit and nodded.

"Yeah, just having a small talk with Professor Lupin." You said. They sighed in relief.

"We thought Draco was hurting you again." Fred said. George was nodding. You smiled. 

"I understand. Professor?" You said, facing him. He looked at you. 

"I will try my best to do the extra credit." You said and followed the twins out the door and you meant it. You would try to get Sacbber's...urr... Peter Pettigew. The question was how. The end of the year was approaching but you did still have Christmas. You told the twins you would go back, which was good. If the twins went, so would Ron and Scabber's.      

"(y/n)!" You heard and looked, seeing Fred and George looking at you.  

"Did you not hear us calling you?" George asked. You turned red for embarrassment.

"Sorry. Could you repeat it?" You asked. They laughed a bit. 

"Your to cute (y/n). We were saying the we had to tell Mcgonagall that Mother and Father had a change of plans. Don't worry, we crossed out your name also before Mcgonagall sent it off." Fred said. You smiled. Perfect! You were walking and talking when Mcgonagall walked up to you. 

"Miss (l/n), I was shocked to see your name on the list to go home after the twins took it off. Don't worry, I sent a letter to your family and they replied back saying they are exited to see you." She said with a smiled and walked off. You , Fred and George all froze in shock. 

"No." You whispered and turned around. 

"Professor!" You shouted but stopped, seeing Draco. Mcgonagall turned around. 

"Yes?" She said. You were looking at Draco. 

"I'm not going back. There was a mistake." You said, looking at her. Mcgonagall looked surprised. 

"Well I'm sorry to say that you have to go. Your father told he he had to talk with you about something. He asked us to make sure you go home." She said and walked off. You looked over at Draco, who was smirking, as he turned and walked away. You started to cry.     

All Jokes aside (Fred and George x Reader) | CompleteWhere stories live. Discover now