Chapter 65 - Laid to rest.

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You walked into the hospital wing. Dumbledore had been asking for students for the past week.

"AH, (y/n)." Dumbledore said. You walked up to him. 

"Dumbledore." You said. He smiled. 

"I asked you hear to let you know something. After I pass, Hagrid will still watch David." He said. you tried no to cry, but it was hard. 

"I also wanted to warn you." He said. 

"Of what?" You asked. He frowned. 

"After I'm gone, I fear a war will happen. These tired old bones can feel it coming. Protect yourself, protect your fiances." He said. You smiled and he smiled back. 

"Tell them I would like a box of Skiving Snackbox so I may have fun in the afterlife." he said. A tear fell from your eye and you nodded with a smile before you left so the next student could come in.   

Dumbledore past away quietly in the night at the age of one hundred and fifteen. He had gotten to speak to all the students before he passed. Everyone attended his funeral, along with students that had graduated. Fred and George stood next to you. Fred was holding a box of Skiving Snackbox, while George was holding a box of Ton-Tongue Toffee. 

"Today is a sad day, but Dumbledore has asked that no one cry from him. He only wanted to see his students smile and to enjoy life." Snape said. You could tell he was taking it hard. 

"If anyone would like to leave or say anything before his tomb is closed, please, step forward. You, Fred and George, along with other students walked up. Fred and George both placed their boxes down and walked back. 

"Thank you for everything." You said, tears in your eyes but a smile of your face. You knew that's what he would have wanted. You back, standing by Fred and George when students and staffs all raised there wands up to the skies. You did it also and a small beam of light came out, flooding the sky. You knew the students and staff were crying, but when you looked, not one frown could be found, just like Dumbledore wanted. 

~A/N~ This was the hardest chapter to write. I had to take a break because I'm at work and I started to cry.         

All Jokes aside (Fred and George x Reader) | CompleteWhere stories live. Discover now