Chapter 35 - Christmas and the return.

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You sighed as you looked around the room. A few days passed and you got a bed big enough for the three of you and you had cleaned the living space up  to make it more livable while Fred and George cleaned the shop area. You took a step back and looked. The place looked different now than before. The bed was in the middle of the wall and now big enough to hold you all. near that was the kitchen. It had a small oven, small sink and small counter-top  and a small table but that's all you needed for the three of you. You turned and looked at the desk. It was now cleaned off, but held the blueprints on the shop. 

"(y/n)!" You heard the twins shout. You ran out and saw them on the first floor. 

"Whats wrong?" You called. They were smiling and waved for you to come down. You did and saw why. In the middle of the store, was a Christmas tree. It was bare except for one ordainment. You smiled, walking up to the ordainment. The ordainment looked Muggle and said 'First Christmas together'. You smiled and looked at the twins, who's smiles grew.

"What do you think?" They asked. You laughed. 

"It's awesome." You said. They hugged you and you hugged them back. The time spent here had made you all closer. 

"Oh! We also just finished getting all the measurements." George said. Over the week, they had wanted to get the measurements for the store as they planed on making new blueprints for the whole place and while they did that, you wanted to brain storm the products they had, maybe making new ones and organize them into categorizes so it will be easier to place and stack the products. 

"That's good!" You said and let them go. They smiled before moving and grabbed a box. You smiled as they handed it to you. You opened it and inside was nothing. You looked at them confused but they were pointing to their necks. You reached up, only feeling the necklace they gave you but you felt something was etched into the medal. You walked up into the studio and say that all three of your names were now on the necklace, making it look like it was your names, together forever. You wanted to cry from joy and turned, seeing them. You gave them both a kiss and hug. 

"I love it. I love you." You said. You hadn't gotten them anything, but that's what they wanted. You paid for the new bed and desk so they said that was your gift to them. You tried to argue, but gave up and agreed. They smiled.

"We love you." They both said. You smiled and grabbed your money pouch. 

"I have to go get dinner. I will be back." You said and left the place as Fred and George continued to clean. Dinner wasn't much. You had talked to Tom at the Leaky Cauldron and he agreed to make you all to go plates. It was the same price on the menu and all he asked was for you to bring back the plates and utensils clean. You walked in. 

"Hey Tom." You said. Tom smiled at you. 

"Ah, hello (y/n)." He said. You insisted he call you but your first name because you wanted to abandon your last name. 

"Here you go, three Christmas specials, free of charge." Tom said, sliding you a bag. You looked at him. 

"Tom." You said in a stun voice but he just smiled. 

"Marry Christmas." He said. You smiled, grabbing the bag and mouthed a thank you. The walk back was nice and so was dinner. The planing went well and soon, before you knew it you three were back on the train.

"Did I lock the place up?" You asked. You started to panic a bit, afraid you had forgotten something. 

"(y/n), (y/n), calm down. Fred and I asked Tom to keep an eye on the place." George said. You sighed and smiled, relaxing a bit. That did help. The rest of the train was nice but as you got closer and closer, you remembered what Lupin asked you. 

'How can I get Scabber's?' You thought to your self.              

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