Chapter 38 - Quidditch World Cup Part One

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Fred, George and yourself were sitting on your bed at the Burrow. You had just finished the new blueprints and it was spread on the bed so you all could see it. 

"It's perfect. You go all the square footage and everything." Fred said. You smiled. you had helped them get the right numbers at the right spot. 

"Thanks." You said. They rolled up the blueprints when a knock came to the door and Molly walked in. 

"OK children go to bed. We have an early day tomorrow." Molly said and left with the door open. since the day that your father let you go from the family, Molly and Arthur have treated you like their own daughter, well more then normal. Fred and George moved, allowing you to lay in the middle. 

Molly was upset at first when you told her you all were sharing the same bed, but now she just left the door open and was OK with it. You felt them move closer and put their hand on your stomach. It always relaxed you and helped you sleep.

~Time Pass~

"(y/n)." You heard and opened your eyes, seeing Fred. You looked and saw George was still sleeping.

"Whats up? "You yawned. Fred smiled. 

"It's time to get up, but I couldn't resit the urge to prank George." Fred said. You smirked and nodded. You both got out of bed slowly, getting dressed but kept your shoes and sockes off to keep the noise down and walked out. You were cupping your mouth so not to laugh. 

"George! Hurry or we will be late!" Fred yelled in a panic tone. You heard a thud and George ran from the room. You couldn't hold it and laughed along with Fred. George looked at you both and started to laugh. 

"You got me." He said and walked back in, getting dressed. George then walked out but was smirking. 

"What did you do?" You asked, knowing that smirk.

"Nothing." He said. You and Fred walked in but saw that he truly did nothing. 

"Fred?" You asked. He looked at you. 

"Don't trust anything." Fred said. You both walked it, being cautious but saw nothing was out of place or missing. 

"Maybe he really didn't do anything." You thought but Fred shook his head. 

"I doubt it." Fred said. You sat on the bed and grab a pair of socks, putting them on. You closed your eyes. 

"Fred...I found what he did." You said. Fred looked, seeing the sack was now socking wet. You heard George laughing.

"Using the 'Feet be wet' joke is not far!" You yelled but laughed, putting on the other sock.

Feet Be Wet prank.

Creator - George. 

Price - Ten Galleons

All the pranker has to do is open the bottle and hover the targets socks in the mist that come out. Once coated, the pranker just waits for the target to put on the socks. Once on, the mist is warmed by the feet and turns to water and soaks the sock for about one minute before drying instantly. 

"Great. No wonder he took so long." Fred said and put on his. He shivered as his sock became wet while yours were now dry. 

"Got you." George said. You walked up and kissed him.

"That was a good one and I think will be a good seller." You said. Fred walked up. 

"Yeah, a real good seller." He said and laughed. you walked into the kitchen and saw Molly, Arthur, Ron and Ginny. You also saw Harry with Sirius and Harry was talking with Ron. You waved. 

"Hey Harry, Sirius." You said. They waved back and Harry went back to talk to Ron about how cool it was to live with Sirius. You smiled but soon everyone was out of the house and walked to the hill side, where you saw an old shoe. 

"OK Everyone, on three, you will grab the portkey and when I say now, you will let go." Arthur said. You nodded and grabbed it when he said three. It was so weird. you had traveled by Floo Power before, but never a Portkey. You let go when Arthur said now and landed on the ground, hard. 

"Ow." You said and got up slowly. You never wanted to travel like that again. 

"You OK (y/n)?" Ron asked. You nodded and Fred and George walked up to you. 

"Portkeys are always rough." They said together and dusted you off. You smiled and then looked around. 

"Wow." You said. You saw a huge land with many tents and a stadium. You then saw Arthur waving at everyone and ran down. Arthur smiled and walked into a small tent. Once it, you saw it was more like a house and smiled. 

"Let go Ireland!" Fred and George shouted. You laughed at them. You just wanted to enjoy the game. 

"I'm going to walk around, OK?" You asked Arthur, who nodded. You walked out but then Felt two hands and smiled, looking at Fred and George. 

"We will go with you." They said. You nodded.               

All Jokes aside (Fred and George x Reader) | CompleteWhere stories live. Discover now