Chapter 66 - Warning

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Three weeks were given to students to mourn but it was more like a small party. Students and staff were talking and laughing about the times they had with Dumbledore. Today was the final day before classes resumed as normal. 

"Did you hear about that time he threw a piece of cake at Umbridge?" One student said and got laughter out of it. You smiled. You did remember that.   

"(y/n)." You heard and looked. It was David. Hagrid was there, who nodded. You sighed and walked up. 

"What?" You asked rudely. David did look sad. 

"Dumbledore asked me to stop bothering you right before he...well anyway for Dumbledore's sake, I will. I'm braking up with you. I know, I know, you don't want to and you will miss me but don't cry OK, I'm just doing what...what the greatest head master wanted." He said and walked away. 

"But don't yee worry. I won't stop watching em." Hagrid said and followed David. You smiled. 

"Thank you, Dumbledore." You said and saw Snape walk to the stand. 

"Settled down." He said. Everyone sat at their table and grew quiet. 

"Tomorrow classes will resume. I cannot teach Defense Against the Dark Arts as my duties as Head Master will get in the way and with the year almost over, I see no need to hire a new teacher." Snape announced. Everyone was holding their breaths. Snape gave a small smile. 

"It honor of Dumbledore, everyone will pass." He said. Everyone clapped, but no one really cheered. Everyone still missed Dumbledore terribly. 

~On the Train~ 

"I think our last year with Head Master Snape will be OK." Draco said. Pansy and you nodded. 

"Yeah. I think he will do Dumbledore proud." You said. They nodded and soon the compartment was filled with laughing and smiles as you all talked and remembered Dumbledore. 

~At the (y/n) Mansion. (m/n) - Mothers name, (f/n) - Fathers name~

"So, is everything set to go?" (m/n) said. (f/n) nodded. 

"Yes, just waiting for the final piece to arrive." (f/n) said. The door opened and in walked Peter Pettigrew. 

"Ah, Peter. Did you find a way in?" (f/n) asked. Peter nodded. 

"T-They are not expeting us. We could walk right in but I found a way in though Hogsmeade." Peter said. (f/n) and (m/n) smiled. 

"Perfect. We will attack, two weeks after the start of (y/n)'s final year. We should send some kind of warning though. How else will these Weasley's know to be there?" (m/n) asked. 

"Calm down dear, we will. We will send them a notice to them about it and these twins that (y/n) insist on seeing will be gone, as will Pansy and all the filthy mudbloods." (f/n) said. (m/n) smiled. 

"Soon dear, a new dark lord will be born and this planet will be clean." (f/n) said. She smiled and gave him a kiss. 

"Good." She said.

~At Hogwarts~

Snape sat at his desk, looking at the list of new students arriving next year. He sighed and stood, walking out and into the empty halls. He was alone as the rest of the staff went home. 

"So. How does it feel?" Snape heard. He turned. It was the ghost of Dumbledore. 

"Weird, almost like a fear." Snape said. Dumbledore nodded. 

"And fear you should feel. I have a feeling of an attack that will be coming. You will need help to protect the students. I'm sure the old Order of the Phoenix would be happy to help, as would some twins to protect their love." Dumbledore said. Snape nodded. 

"I will start to write the letters." He said and walked off. Dumbledore frowned. 

"I pray it will be enough." Dumbledore said. 


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