Chapter 27 - Harry Potter

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the months flew by and soon you saw it was a few days before school. The time you fell asleep in the twins room was only the first of many times but the first night Fred and George slept together. After that, they just pushed the beds together and slept on either side of you. You felt save in the middle of them. You couldn't sleep with them last night though. You yawned, walking out of your room. That night you told the twins you needed to catch up on some studies and some sleep. As you walked into the kitchen, saw Harry sitting at the table with Ron.

"OH, hey Harry." You said. He waved at you.

"Morning (y/n)." Ron said. You sat down across from Harry.

"Morning. When did Harry get in?" You asked. Molly said he would be coming by soon, you just didn't think it was that soon.

"This morning. We had to get him before, well you know." Ron said. He seemed scared and you looked confused. 

"Before what?" You asked. Ron looked at Harry.

"My uncles sister came to town. I almost blew her into a balloon if Mrs. Weasley didn't come get me." Harry said. You laughed. You remembered Ron telling you about how awful Harry's life at home was. 

"I wish you did." You said. Harry smiled.

"Well, I didn't and my uncle sighed my form to go to Hogsmeade." Harry said. You smiled sadly at that.

"Uh, Harry. I wouldn't talk about that." Ron said. Harry looked at him.

"Why?" Harry asked. Ron opened his mouth but you held your hand up and Ron stopped. Harry looked at you. 

"I asked Dumbledore if Molly could sign my form but he said my mother or father had to. I asked them, but..." You said but didn't continue. Ron finished for you.

"Their letter to her said she had to never talk to anyone in the Weasley family again. (y/n) told them to shove it." Ron said. Harry frowned. 

"I'm sorry (y/n), but maybe its for the best, you know with the Death Eater that escaped." Harry said. You looked confused. Ron slapped his forehead.

"You haven't read today's Daliy prophet. Harry and I just finished reading it. Here." Ron said and handed you a the paper. You saw the head line. 

"Sirius Black escaped?" You asked after reading it. 

"What?" No way?" You heard and looked. It was Fred and George. They took the paper from you and sat with you in the middle. 

"I always thought they would have released him." You said. They looked at you.

"Why?" Ron asked. you opened your mouth but Molly came down and with the hugging of Harry, getting breakfast read and going to Diagon Ally, the question was lost. 

You were walking with Harry, Ron Fred and George when you saw Draco. Fred and George immediately took your hand in theirs. Draco saw it and glared at you. You looked downed.  

"Hey, don't you dare look down. Be proud your no longer with him." Fred said.

"And be proud your with us." George said. You smiled and looked at them.

"Your right." You said. They smiled back at you and soon found yourself looked at the building the three of you wanted to buy. 

"Now that we have the blue prints, it seems more of a reality then a dream." George said. Both you and Fred nodded in agree. You smiled and took their hands, walking back to the leaky cauldron. Harry was staying there and you all decided to keep him company. You were laughing at the prank they pulled on Harry. His hair was bone white and wiggling like crazy. 

"We call it 'Ghostly dance'. You said. It was one you had made the the twins loved it. The rest of the night was filed with laughter, even after you went to bed. You stayed up talking with Ginny until you both fell asleep. 



All Jokes aside (Fred and George x Reader) | CompleteWhere stories live. Discover now