Chapter 7 - First class.

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 You smiled and jumped down, running to your table. The other students clapped and cheered as you did. you sat and looked over, waving at Fred and George, who were clapping for you. You also turned to Draco. He looked happy and waved at you. you waved back and watched as the other students were sorted. You followed your prefect to your dorm. You saw your stuff and saw your new robes and uniforms. You smiled, falling on the bed. This house was perfect for you and tomorrow will be just as good because you got your revenge prank on the twins read. it was a special dye to go in their drinks that would turn their hair pink for a few hours. You laughed at that image before finally falling asleep.

Beep. Beep. Beep.

You sat up and turned your alarm off. You got dressed in your new robes and ran out the dorm room and into the great hall. Fred and George were already there. You walked up to them and hugged them both from behind. they turned and smiled, hugging you back.

"Hey (y/n), congrats on being sorted into (your house)!" George said. You smiled.

"I know. Its perfect right?" You asked. They both nodded and you quickly put in the dye into their goblets without them seeing.

"Well I better go eat. Hope to see you in class." You said and ran off, sitting in an open seat at your table. you watched them though. They finally took a sip and you saw their hair change. You started to laugh, and they looked at you but Fred began to laugh also. George then looked at Fred and started to laugh.

"Good one (y/n)!" They called out. You smiled and started to eat. Once you finished you ran to your first subject, Charms. You sat down happily and saw Draco walk in. You waved and he walked up, sitting next to you.

"So, the twins were the Weasley's." Draco said. You nodded happily but saw his looking sad.

"You OK Draco?" You asked. No shook his head. You never liked when Draco got sad because you had a small crush on him.

"What's wrong?" You asked. He looked at you.

"What if you start to date one of them?" He asked. You looked at him.

"Draco, I'm just friends with them." You said. He looked a bit mad.

"I know it. You do like one of them!" He said a bit loud. You hushed him.

"Draco. No, I don't have a crush on them I just met them. What's gotten into you?" You asked. He looked away and you heard him mumble something.

"I'm sorry I didn't hear that Draco." You said. He looked at you.

"I like you." Draco said. You blushed a bit and opened your mouth but then your teacher, Mr. Filius Flitwick, walked in. You closed your mouth as the lesson began but you didn't pay much attention.

'Draco...likes me?' You thought. A note was then passed into your hand by Draco and you read it.

Will you be my girlfriend?

Your mouth dropped open slightly. This had to be a dream. you looked and saw a bit of pink on his face. You smiled, reaching under the desk and grasped his hand. He smiled, giving your hand a light squeeze as you turned your attention back to Mr. Flitwick.  

All Jokes aside (Fred and George x Reader) | CompleteWhere stories live. Discover now