Chapter 10 - Christmas at Home Part two

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You ran and gave your parents a hug. You had missed them terribly, but you thought more of the twins. You hoped they would write you.

"So sweetie, did you make any friends?" Your mother asked you. You nodded.

"Thats good." Your father said and lead you and your mother to a limo. You sat by your mother and looked out the window.

"OH, Sweetie. We almost forgot. The Malfoy's will be joins us for Christmas diner." Your mother said. You smiled at that.

"Really? Awesome!" You said.

"We do not use those words cupcake." Your father said. You pouted. Any kind of words like that he thought were distasteful.

"But dad, you have to know why I used it." You said. He looked at you.

"Draco and I started to date." You said. You parents always told you Draco was the perfect gentleman for you. Your father smiled.

"Be that as it may, astounding is a better word." He said. You sighed loudly, regretting coming home for Christmas. Once you arrived at your house, more like mansion, you brought your bag to your room. Your maid wanted to help, but she knew you liked to do this on your own. Once in the room, you saw a purple, wrapped clothe on your bed. You walked up and saw it was a present with a tag.

"To (y/n), love Molly Weasley." You said out loud. You smiled. This had to be Ron, Fred, and George's mother. You went down and placed it by the other gifts.

"Whats that one miss?" You heard and looked. It was Yuki, your mothers maid. She was dusting.

"A gift from my friends mother." You said. Yuki smiled.

"That is very nice." She said and continued to work. You started to go back to your room when your father stopped you. You turned and walked into his study.

"Yes father." You said, closing the door. He looked at you.

"I just received an owl from Mr. Malfoy. It seems you made friends with some Wealey's." He said. You hoped Draco wouldn't tell Lucius.

"Yes." You said shyly. Your father sighed.

"Cupcake they want you for your money. I don't mind you being friends with them but do not give them anything OK?" Your father said. He always treated you second when it came to money.

"Yes father." And you figured out at a young age to just go along with it. He smiled.

"Go get ready for dinner." He said. You nodded and left.

Two weeks couldn't come fast enough.

All Jokes aside (Fred and George x Reader) | CompleteWhere stories live. Discover now