Chapter 69 - Aftermath

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You walked around the great hall. Thanks to Snape's thinking of hiding the students in the classrooms and hiding the doors, every student lived. McGonagall had told everyone about Snape's sacrifice. A few students were crying but many were comforting others.

"(y/n)." You heard and looked. It was the minister. He was followed by a few ministry worked, holding your subdued parents.

"Yes minister?" You asked. He looked at them, then back at you. 

"They said you knew about this attack, yet didn't tell anyone. You glared at your perents, who smirked. 

"That's right, we told her our plans." Your mother said. 

"Thats a lie." Fred said, coming up next to you. 

"(y/n) stopped living with them when she started Hogwarts." George said, coming up on your other side. You saw the Minister smile. 

"I had a feeling, just had to make sure. Take them to Azkaban." He said. your mother and father frowned and started to fight as they were being dragged away. The minister looked at you again. 

"I understood that you no longer a (l/n), but i can turn the other way if you want to, lets say take that document and burn it. I hear the (l/n)'s have a nice house." He said with a smile. You smiled. 

"Thank you minister, but (y/n) is going to be a Weasley." George said. 

"And we already have a home." Fred said and they both took your hands. You nodded. 

"Well, I wanted to throw it out there." He said and left. You turned to them, giving them both a kiss. 

"We told mom about the engagement." Fred said. You smiled but they were frowning. 

"Whats wrong?" You asked. They looked at each other. 

"Well..." George started but stopped when a hand came up, grabbing Fred and George's ears. They yelped in pain and you saw it was Molly. 

"I'm very disappointed they didn't tell me first so I could prepare a meal to celebrate! Congratulations Deary." molly said, smiling at you. 

"OK, OK let us go!" The twins yelled. Molly let them go and you laughed. 

The students helped to clean Hogwarts after the funeral of Head Master Snape. McGonagall told everyone that by doing so, it would count as credit for the year. The first years were taught new spells and you spent the time with Fred and George, who stayed to help the cleaning. 

It took the whole school year but with all the help, Hogwarts looked brand new and ready for its students.       

All Jokes aside (Fred and George x Reader) | CompleteWhere stories live. Discover now