~Chapter 28 - Starting Year Three~

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You sat with the twins on the train, looking at the blueprints again while you were looking at the prices. Another guy was in the compartment, but his coat was covering him, along with a hat so you all kept quiet. The twins were determined to get in by next year so they planed to sell a lot of the items this year at school. You were informed by Dumbledore that Draco wasn't in any of your classes, so you planed to help the twins as much as possible.

"Hey, guys?" You asked silenlty. They looked at you and you put the paper down. 

"We can do this." You whispered. They smiled at you when you heard a knock. You looked and saw Harry, Ron and a female. Fred opened the door. 

"Hey, you mind if we sit with you?" Ron asked. Fred nodded, hold a finger to his lips and pointed. Harry and the Female, who introduce her self as Hermione, sat together. George moved you closer to him as Fred and Ron sat down also. The compartment was quiet as Fred put the plans away. You were growing bored when the train stopped suddenly. You felt cold and saw a ghostly hand come in. You knew this creature. You saw Harry fall when the mysterious man jumped up and yelled Expecto Patronum. 

'This guy is a teacher.' You thought. Ron and Hermione helped Harry up and the man gave him chocolate but you stood and followed the man. 

"Excuse me?" You called out. The man stopped. 

"Are you the new defense against the dark arts teacher?" You asked. The man smiled and nodded.  

"Professor Lupin." He said. You smiled.

"(y/n) (l/n). I was wondering about that spell you used." You said. Professor Lupin frowned.

"Maybe later, but I have a conductor I must speak." He said and left. You nodded, walking back when a hand grabbed you and pulled you into a compartment. You fell onto one on the benches. It was Draco. Your breath hitched in your throat.

"You were cheating on me." He said. You shock your head. 

"No." You said. He slapped you. You yelped from the pain, cupping your cheek.

"Then you dumped me for them! Your worse the a cheater." He said. You wanted to cry, but you remembered Fred and George They gave you courage. You looked at him before kicking him in the knees and running out the compartment. You ran straight to Fred and George but he grabbed you throwing you to the ground.

"Hey!" You heard them yell and looked. Fred and George had shoved Draco and where now fighting him.

"Hey!" It was Professor Lupin. He had pulled the twins off Draco. 

"Knock it off! The school year hasn't started so I won't give out punishment but I don't condone fighting." Lupin said. 

"He threw our girl on the ground!" Fred yelled as George walked to you and helped you up. 

"Are you OK?" George asked. You nodded.

"Be that as it may, fight again I will give out detentions" Lupin said. Fred looked mad but walked up and dusted you off. 

"What did the prick do?" Fred asked. 

"I slapped her." Draco said. Fred and George looked at him, as did Lupin before you walked pasted you all and into his compartment. You looked at the twins.

"I fought back. I kicked him." You said. Fred and George smiled at you. 

"That's our girl." Geroge said and you all walked back into the Compartment. Harry, Ron and Hermione made sure you were OK but the compartment was silent after what just happened. One this was for sure. You had a feeling Professor Lupin didn't like you.                


All Jokes aside (Fred and George x Reader) | CompleteWhere stories live. Discover now