Chapter 14 - Train home.

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You sat in the compartment with Draco and his friends but he was glaring at you.

"Crabbe, Goyle, leave the compartment. Go sit with Pansy." Draco said. They nodded and left. You looked at Draco.

"Draco?" You asked. He looked down, sighed and looked at you.

"Why?" Draco said. You looked at him.

"Why what?" You asked. He looked at you before taking his wand out.

"Muffliato." He said. You looked at him and he slapped you. Hard. Your head turned a bit but you were stunned for a second, bringing your hand to your left left cheek and looked at Draco.

"Why the hell are you always with these damn twins? I'm your boyfriend, not them!" He yelled. You sat there, listening to him in fear. Draco had never, not even as children, hurt you.

"So tell me why." Draco demanded. You looked at him in the eyes as he towered over you.

"Their my friends." You said. He grabbed both your wrists.

"And I'm your boyfriend!" He shouted. You nodded. Fear was flowing in you. All you wanted was to get away.

"I-I'm sorry, I-I just enjoy hanging out with them." you said. Draco sat down, letting you go.

"And that's all?" He asked. You nodded. Draco sighed and moved, sitting next to you. You wanted to move away, but feared he would hurt you again.

"Sorry." He said and laid his head on your shoulder. You wanted to cry. Your cheek stun and Draco was being over possessive.

"I-I still want to meet t-their m-mother, m-maybe have d-dinner with t-them." You shuddered. Draco's head moved away from your shoulder and placed his hand under your chin, turning your head so you would look at him.

"Why?" He asked. You began to shiver a bit.

"She made me a s-sweater." You half lied. The truth as you had promised Fred and George.

"Fine. But you better be back the next day." Draco said. You nodded.

"A-and if I-I'm not?" You asked. Draco frowned.

"Then that slap will be the lease of your worries." Draco said. You nodded, still feeling his hand under your chin. He looked down a bit, then back into your eyes before moving, kissing you. You froze. The kiss, your first kiss, felt cold, unwanted. He moved away and removed his hand from your chin, but grabbed your hand to hold.

"I love you (y/n)." He said. You didn't say anything as he took his wand out and removed the spell. You didn't move for a while but then a knock came and you looked, seeing Fred and George's silhouette. You looked at Draco.

"What do you two want?" Draco called out.

"We want to know if (y/n) wanted to come and hang out?" Fred yelled. He glared.

"Fine, hold on." He said, leaning in close to your ear.

"You tell them anything, they won't have a mother, or a father, or even a home to go back to. Do I make my self clear?" Draco whispered. You nodded quickly. He kissed your slapped cheek, causing you to flinch in pain and let your hand go. You stood, opening the door. You saw them and smiled but they didn't smile back.

"What happened?" They both asked in concern, pointing to your cheek. you touched it.

"My being clumsy, fell and hit a beam. Draco already put anti-redness and bruising cream on it, but I don't think it worked." You said, laughing a bit. The twins looked at each other.

"OK, well come on, we have our own compartment." Fred said. you nodded, closing the door and followed them. Once in, Fred and George pushed you down on the bench and Fred took out a small container.

"Don't move." George said. You nodded and Fred wiped some of the white contents on you. You felt a small amount of pain, but then it vanished.

"That stuff Draco had must be old. This is something George came up with. We call it 'vanishing cream'. It gets ride of the bruise, and redness, and the pain." Fred said. You smiled at them.

"Thanks guys. So whats going on this summer?" You asked. They smiled and told you about their plans.

"And we are happy your coming with us." George said. You frowned.

"About that. I can stay one day, but i have to leave after that." You said. The frowned.

"Why?" They asked. You bit your lip.

"Well...Draco..." You started, not sure what you should say. Fred took your left hand, George took your right.

"(y/n), Mom is looking foreword to having you there." The said. You smiled and nodded.

"Your right. I'm sorry. I guess I'm just scared of what my family and Draco will say and do." You said. You hoped the 'and do' part would be a good clue that Draco and your family are not nice but they just smiled.

"Don't worry. You will have a great time." George said. You laughed.

"Thanks guys. I'm going to go back to Draco but i will be back here before the train arrives at the station." You said and stood. They nodded and you left, going back to Draco, who was still alone and reading.

"Your back. They didn't take it well?" He asked. You sat across from him and he put his book down.

"I'm spending the summer with them." You said bravely. He looked at you and glared but you glared back.

"You don't control me and if you harm anyone in the Weasley family, I will tell the Daily profit all about your family and mine." You said. You knew the Malfoy's were paying the Daily profit to keep their name out of the profit after the Names of the Death Eaters were announced and over heard your father saying he too was paying them. Draco looked a bit scared. Maybe they were hiding something.

"Fine. On one condition." He said. You didn't like his tone.

"What's that?" You asked. He grabbed your wrist, gigging it a light squeeze. You tried to get out but he grabbed your face to make you look at him.

"When you get back. You will sigh the contract that my family made with yours." He said. You stopped struggling.

"What contract?" You asked. He let you go.

"Deal or no deal?" He asked, crossing his arms. You were quiet for a bit before nodding. Draco smiled.

"Good. Go be with your friends." He said. You stood and opened the door. Before you closed it however, you heard Draco.

"Have fun." He said in a dark voice.

All Jokes aside (Fred and George x Reader) | CompleteWhere stories live. Discover now