Chapter 18 - Reasoning

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You slowed to a walk before you finally stopped. Your tears turned into sodding. You dropped everything and just cried into the night. You had no home, no family. Well you had the Weasley's but you didn't want to bother them.

"(y/n)!" You heard Draco call to you. You turned around, pointing your wand at him. 

"Stay away from me!" You yelled. He stopped a few feet away and held his hands up. 

"I'm just here to talk." He said. You didn't move, but didn't say anything either. 

"I'm sorry." Draco said. You looked shocked. 

"I didn't want trick you into signing that contract. I was mad that you didn't, but I understood why you didn't. The contract wasn't magically binding and was burnt." Draco said. You dropped your wand. 

"Why? Why tell me this?" You asked. Draco looked at you. 

"Because I love you." He said. You snapped.

"Bull! If you loved me why did you hurt me?" You shouted. Draco was silent before he walked up to you and hugged you tight. You began to cry again.  

"I don't have an answer." He said. You hugged him tight. 

"Then stop." You said. You felt him nod but you didn't believe him. He pulled away and wiped your tears but you flinched away. He dropped his hand. 

"Come back to your house. Your mother and father want to ask you something." Draco said. You wanted to say no, but you knew you had to. You nodded and Draco helped you with your things. You didn't get far so the walk back didn't take long. Once back home, you saw Draco sit, but you stood standing. 

"Cupcake, we want to...apologize." Your father said. It sounded like he was forced to say it. You only nodded and he looked mad at that. 

"Sweetie, understand our reasoning, please." Your mother said. You shook your head. 

"You want to make a new Dark lord." You said. You tried to sound fierce, but you felt more like a child saying no. 

"That's right. We want to Wizarding world to be the only world. You can understand that, right?" Your mother said. You shook your head.

"No. I don't want any part of this." You said. Draco sighed. 

"Fine, you don't have to be apart of this." Draco said. You looked a bit shocked when you saw your mother, father, and even Lucius nodding in agreement.

"We understand cupcake." Your father said. You smiled a bit. Draco grabbed your hand. 

"I want to talk to her alone." He said and took you up to your room. Once in and the door closed, Draco sat on your bed. 

"(y/n), I'm sorry for being jealous. When I found out my girl was spending the summer with two guys...well what do you think I would do and say?" He asked. You sighed, sitting next to him.

"To trust me. You know I wouldn't do anything." You said looking at him. He nodded.

"I know, I just can't help it." Draco said. You sighed. 

"Draco. I'm not going to stop hanging out with Fred and George." You said. You saw his hands clench. 

"Am I not good enough?" He asked. Your reach over, taking his hand. 

"Your my boyfriend Draco, but if you keep hurting me, I will leave you." You said. Draco looked at you. 

"Do you like them?" He asked. He seemed worried. 

"No. They are my friends." You said but in your heart, you knew that was a lie. You had developed some kind of feels, but you didn't know what kind of feels. Was it a crush, or just best friends? Draco smiled, turning a bit and cupped your face. You moved though. 

"Draco, right now I don't trust you or my family. Please, just give me time." You said. Draco looked said, but nodded. 

"OK." Was all he said before he stood and walked out of your room. You fell onto your back on the bed and looked at the ceiling, thinking about what happened. 

'Should I brake up with him? I've had a crush on his for so long though. I will give him one more chance but if he hurts me one more time, that's the end of it.' You thought before rolling on your side, falling asleep.          

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