Chapter 30 - Detention and Deception.

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You sat at your table but you didn't eat. Your house was mad at you for losing thirty points and you had a detention tonight. You felt two hands on your shoulders. You turned and saw Fred and George. 

"Walk with us." They said. you stood and walked with them. There were no classes today, meaning you can spend the day with them. 

"What happened?" Fred asked. You told them everything. 

"That's weird. Lupin has been nice to everyone and don't worry about Draco. We got him back." George said. You smiled and hugged them. 

"Thanks guys. But why does Professor Lupin hate me." You asked. They shrugged.

"We don't know." They said. You sighed but then you saw Harry Ron and Hermione. You waved and smiled. They walked over. 

"Hey (y/n), sorry about the points but you can get them back." Ron said. You smiled. 

"Thanks. Whats up guys, exited about Hogsmeade tomorrow?" You asked, wanted to get off the subject. Everyone nodded nodded. 

"Yeah. Want anything?" Ron asked. You laughed a bit.

"For you guys to have a good time. I plan to study." You said. you wanted to day to stay young, but dinner cam soon and you found your self in Lupins office...again. He walked in and sat down.

"(l/n), you understand why your hear right." He asked You nodded. 

"Good. Tell me." He said. You opened your mouth when you  heard squeaking and looked over. It was Scabber's. You got up and grabbed him, but he seemed to be trying to get away. 

"(l/n), sit down." Lupin said firmly. You looked at him, holding Scabber's.

"Sorry, this is Ron's pet rat. I wonder how he got out." You asked siting down and holding him.

"I'm here for hurting Draco." You said. Lupin nodded. 

"And why did you do that?" He asked. You looked at him.

"Professor, don't you think you should have asked me these questions yesterday when it happened. Draco has been hurting and abusing me since the first year. The Weasley's even took me in when they found out my family was doing the same." You said, petting Scabber's. He seemed to be calming down. 

"Your no longer living with your family?" Lupin asked. You nodded. Lupin also nodded. 

"You may go." He said. You looked confused but stood and left. In your dorm, you laid down putting a sleeping Scabber's next to you. You gave him a few pets before falling asleep. 

You woke up the next day and saw Scabber's was still sleeping. you got dressed and picked him up before heading down to the great hall. You saw Ron with Harry and Hermione. 

"Hey Ron!" You called and held Scabber's up. He walked over. 

"Scabber's! Thanks (y/n). Where was he?" Ron asked. 

"Lupin's office." You said. Ron smiled and sat down. You sat at your table and ate before walking with Fred, George, Ron, Harry and Hermione. Fred and George told you Draco left already as they gave you a kiss on the cheek. You waved as they left. You walked to the library, but didn't stop. You didn't feel like studying and just kept walking. 

"I miss them." You said out loud, walking around the grounds. You walked for a while, but then you then saw Lupin. You remembered last night and couldn't help but follow him.

'Whats he up to?' You thought. You saw him go to a tree that was moving, casted a spell and walked into it. You smiled decided you would ask Fred and George to borrow that 'map' that wasn't a map. You had seen them use it before, but they denied it. You laughed at that and know if you asked nicely, they would hand it to you. 

'I got you Lupin.' You thought before running to the library to study. You know it was wrong, but you wanted to know why Luipin hated you.                

All Jokes aside (Fred and George x Reader) | CompleteWhere stories live. Discover now